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Dear Reward Tier Members,

Firstly, I want to apologize to everyone for the delay in posting the questionnaire article.

It was originally planned to complete the update of the old cards and some new cards last month. Starting this month, the cards will no longer be divided into three levels but will be unified into one level. However, it has been postponed again due to health issues and work factors.

I sincerely apologize once again. When setting those targets and rules, I did not anticipate my health would deteriorate, and unexpected events would occur at home. However, I realize these reasons are not your concern. What I must do is quickly complete the unfinished cards. Besides apologizing again, I also want to thank you for your continued understanding and patience. Below is the corresponding compensation for each reward tier status:

  • Members with full access before May: You have already received a refund for this month's amount.

  • Members without full access: A. You can directly choose 12 cards this month. Five of these are because you were originally supposed to receive 5 old cards this month, and the other 7 are to make up for the insufficient number of new cards from last month and this month, as well as for the delay in this month's release (new cards will be available before June 30). B. If you do not need the old cards, you can message me for a refund for this month.

Here is the link to the new questionnaire: https://forms.gle/D8YzLdX5QKL7AcFh9

Additionally, as mentioned before, due to significant progress delays, there will be no nominations or voting in the near future. Once again, I apologize for keeping you waiting.





  • 5月前に全てのアクセス権を持っているメンバー:今月の料金はすでに返金されています。

  • まだ全てのアクセス権がないメンバー: A. 今月は直接12枚のカードを選ぶことができます。そのうち5枚は今月元々受け取る予定だったもので、残りの7枚は先月と今月の新カード不足分および今月の遅延分を補うものです(6月30日までに新カードが提供されます)。 B. 旧カードが不要の場合は、今月の料金を返金するために私にメッセージを送ってください。



先跟大家說聲抱歉,因為種種原因拖到現在才發問卷文章 原本預計上個月會完成舊卡更新還有一些新卡,並且從這個月開始,卡片不再分成三個等級,改為全部都同一個等級,但因為身體及工作因素再次延後。

1. 5月前全解鎖的會員: 這個月的款樣一樣已經退款完成

2. 尚未全解鎖的會員:


B. 如果你不需要舊卡了,你可以私訊我退這個月的款項



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