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Oh, you don't say! But don't worry, Im sure this lovely foxy waitress will find a way to acomodate her customer and make him the happiest he can be! 😈




But Miss Denisse I have MASSIVE thirst I need quenched by your double helping of fox milk 😈🥛🥛🦊 This is superb my friend Crackie! Truly wonderful in color 👏😍💖


Oh my goodness gracious, her face looks GREAT in your newest style!


It's strange to not serve fox milk when they have an ample supply on hand at all times. Well, if it's not on the menu that means it's free then right? 🥛💗🦊


Such quaint situation, you are right! Not for sale... but maaaybe some free samples could be obtained if asked?? 😈


Hey Harry! Im so glad you think so! 😆💖 I'd love to say it was an intetional and planned aesthetic choice, but I guess I've just changed the way I draw her little by little without noticing, haha


"Well... I you ask nicely... I could maybe find some for you!" Hahaha, Im so happy you like the version with colors, friend Iron! Thank you thank you for your nice compliments as always! ✨💖🦊💖✨


You're truly welcome Crackie! Your artwork brings so much joy! And love Denisse 💖😍🦊 going to get some fresh fox milk from her 😈🥛