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I drew a couple more stickers of the girls, Im having so much fun with these! 😆
It's fun to switch styles to warm up and play around with expressions I wouldn't normally use for them on sexy pics, haha.

Again, if you have a telegram account and want to use the sticker sets on your chats click these links!

Hope you like! 😉




Gotta say, I love the proportions in these.


Love them all, but angy Denisse is my fav of this bunch. :3


Yes!!! I love them all! They're so cute 😊 I like the Denisse blank stare one lol so fun and funny 😂

Fen Longpaw

I love both packs! Though this bears the question: will there be any NSFW packs in the future?


Hmmm, interesting, I haven't thought of making discord emotes, I might have to take a look at how those are made!


😆 Hahaha, thank you! They are meant to be more cartoony with bigger heads in order to show the expressions more clearly on telegram!


Awww, hahaha, thanks, JLU! It's a favorite of mine too, not an expression I use on Denisse very often but it's so cute and silly, hahaha


😆 I friggin had so much fun with that one, yes! hahaha Happy you like them, friend!


Interesting interesting! 😏 I actually was thinking about sprinkling a couple spicy stickers here and there in the same packs, yes! Any ideas that come to your mind for spicy stickers?

Fen Longpaw

One of my favorite themes which I effectively have 3 sticker versions of my own is cleavage hugs. But some other fun themes are boobhats, or on brand with your recent pieces, there's an underserved market for breastfeeding stickers, though excited milk spray could be appropriate for other situations

Fen Longpaw

I have plenty of ideas if you really want me to make a good list

Fen Longpaw

Especially even more if we are including male characters, or intersex like me


I'll say it before and I'll say it again let me know when the physicals drop ❤❤


Interesting! I really love the boobhat idea! 😆 I could have denisse resting her boobs on poptart or crackie's head hahaha Im not sure I know how cleavage hugs are! Would that be like a pic showing just the cleavage? as if Denisse were hugging you with your head at boob level?


😆 I surely will do! I'll make a little test print on a place I found near me and send you guys a couple stickers so you can have some denisse physical goodies! 😉 I'll make sure to let you know!

Fen Longpaw

When I say cleavage hugs a better description is giving someone a normal hug, but they're lower so while your arms are hugging their body, your breasts are hugging their head, if they're looking up, or muzzle if they're caught by surprise and looking forward. The best form of these are bare chested. My original sticker of that even has small streams of milk leaking from me as I look down at the fur garnering my affection


Oh I seeeee! I friggin love that! That could be a little funny one for sure, haha

Fen Longpaw

X3 I edited my reply with more detail, but you replied before I could save the update. I also cropped two stickers out of a commission I got from Chikiota that included versions of that situation as well, from two other angles. Content warning for intersex and foreskin docking https://twitter.com/Chikiota1/status/1516560235732910088

Fen Longpaw

That being said, I still heavily encourage a nursing sticker, maybe two. One where it's more tender and relaxed, the other that's more passionate and sexually charged

Fen Longpaw

In case it helps, I should just link you to all the packs I've made of my characters. Then you might find inspiration in something I take for granted https://t.me/addstickers/FenLongpaw https://t.me/addstickers/FenLongpawNSFW https://t.me/addstickers/WilliamLongpaw https://t.me/addstickers/WilliamLongpawNSFW https://t.me/addstickers/JasmineLongpaw https://t.me/addstickers/JasmineLongpawNSFW https://t.me/addstickers/MaximillianLongpaw https://t.me/addstickers/MaximillianLongpawNSFW https://t.me/addstickers/FarrahHailee18 https://t.me/addstickers/GoddessSuijin


I'll check them out for sure! Also, make sure to hit me up on the patreon dms whenever you want to share stuff with me! 😉


They're so cute!!! I'll keep Denisse's pack forever.