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It seems like our fellow here got ahead of us and had a taste of the new product! 🥛😋🥛

Edit: nitpicky stuff, I made the shadows less dark even though it's just a sketch XD




Lucky guy! I wonder if there’s an opening for taste taster? 🤤


Looks like the owner is co-signing the forms


With a little help of his assistant, yes Lots of enthusiasm in this business meeting may I add! 😈


Quality assurance is always a necessity, ample samples are a given to ensure the best for the customer. Although, I think Denisse should really test her own product for herself to taste the fruits of her own labor. 😈🥛🦊


Absolutely love how her boobs are raised so you get to see Denisse's slim yet curvy body. Uhnf! 😍


😆 That's an interesting suggestion! She could also help us doing a milk taste test her self, only of our equine variety products though ;)


Just like the old adage, "You drink my milk, I'll drink yours."🦊🥛🔄🥛🐴


I continue my list of envy of all those who get to enjoy Denisse 😏 outstanding work my friend! This is such a fun set 🤩 looking forward to more!


😆 I understand how easy it'd be to feel envious of him, guy is living the dream!!! 😫💖 I'm very happy you are enjoying these pics, Iron! ;)


Hahaha very true! 😏👍 The whole set is wonderful! Love seeing Denisse in action 😈💖


Duuuude, just wait a second and take her top off, geez. 😆 Excellent start on the milky action~ Can't wait to see a new shot without her clothes on. ;p


Our friend here is very very eager it seems! 😆 Thanks Argyle! I'm sure our boy will make sure to get rid of any unnecessary obstacles! ;)