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"Don't worry about that just yet, Denisse
For now Im gonna do a little evaluation on you if you don't mind..."

"I... is it necessary, sir?..."




A hoss inspecting the merchandise? Not a Bull? >~<


Denise, they have to make sure the milk is consumable so please let the man do his job >:)


O damn!!! 😆I totally missed on the opportunity to make him a bull! I just thought Horse could be cute and fun, hahaha


It clearly is the best for her to have a qualified strong and friendly coworker to help her get used to her new activities! 😈


Idk what y’all tripping, dudes just looking for the leasing paperwork for this barn


Absolutely necessary! And a thorough one at that 😈 can never have to much comfirmation of abilities 🥛🤤


Evaluation you say, hmmm?? 👀


Does this evaluation involve a taste test?


It's just common knowledge employees must go through a rigorous trial period, yes! 😈


Yeah, as expected, she must show her abilities and talents for the job, of course! 😈


Indeed they do! The best must be scrutinized thoroughly and rigorously for many hours 😈


Okay real talk tho this is making me wanna see a “wait a minute this isn’t tennis” draw of Denise in the future

HiveMasterMind (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-12 14:27:07 Thinking about it, I can't think of when we've seen Denisse actually be milked or lactate before. Can't wait to see the training routine will get her ready for the job & the end result of that training.
2021-08-08 23:21:37 Thinking about it, I can't think of when we've seen Denisse actually be milked or lactate before. Can't wait to see the training routine will get her ready for the job & the end result of that training.

Thinking about it, I can't think of when we've seen Denisse actually be milked or lactate before. Can't wait to see the training routine will get her ready for the job & the end result of that training.


I've drawn a couple milk stuff here and there but to be honnest not too many, Hopefully I'll change that with the following pics! :)


Just sounds to me that Denisse might be a bit "backed up". Can't wait to see what you do next!


Hefting the GOODS