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Another mascot for your beary needs! ;)

Also I ran out of bear related puns. XD

Edit: Added a wallpaper version of this one pic! ;)



Joey Mac

OMGGGGGGGGG...she is LOVELY. I wonder how many reinforced clasps that beast comes with in the back! Does this mean there's a possible shortstack koala bra in the works??

Mecha Kaiju X

I wouldn't mind "hibernating" with her over the winter <3


Absolutely adorable! Love how soft and welcoming this looks. Killer work as always


Haha it also comes with the comfiest shoulder protectors in the market! Also that Koala idea is interesting! :o


Is Grizzly the Summer line, with Polar being Winter?


Grizzly bae! Super cute :D


Huh that's an interesting way of seeing it! I was thinking the Grizzly bra is just the heavy duty version of polar bra


so, i might be casually becoming more of a fan of bears now


Gotta love those bear puns! I feel like there should be a patent disclaimer stating "Warning: Straps may snap or unbuckle if breasts are under extreme or excessive pleasurable force". Perhaps these lovely bear ladies could show a demonstration?? ^///^


If Denisse doesn't need heavy-duty... who does? A frightening thought.


I mean these bras were made to be heavily endurable. But stil, somebody has to put those claims to the test, right??? 😈👀


Do you have any plan of further works of her? Look at those boobs...wow. I also love her eyes and hair. She looks so kind. Maybe she could let us to do something. :P Great work!


Thanks Bluedrg! I've been looking at her lately too! <3 I might do something more with her since I really liked her design and the polar bear design too hehe


This is lovely! Is it possible to get a 1920x1080 version of this? I tried cropping it a bit, but it didn't quite look right.


I've been away for a bit, but thank you so much for your efforts! Very much appreciated!