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Finally dedicating 100% percent of my time to finishing this commissioned proyect.

It will be a 9 full rendered pictures set featuring Denisse and Phoebe's adventures at the office! <3
Looking forward to get this first part finished soon! Hope you all enjoy it ;)




oh man, this is gonna look great. And Denisse in business attire, YES PLEASE! Looking forward to how this turns out. Thanks for sharing Crackie!


Been wanting this for the longest time, can't wait to see these finished!! And I figured there were going to be multiple parts, given all the BA sketches you've made in the past (definitely more than just 9 *wink*). Also, didn't know this was a commissioned project. Would love to commission you for a similar project if you had the time. :)


Thanks JLU! It was a project on hold for a while but now I'm back on it. And sure! after Im done with this project and other works I've commited to that are currently on hold we could chat see what's in your mind. ;)


Can't wait to see what new adventures lie in store for the best fox gal ever!