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Her sister Ruby gave her that shirt as a fun present.
What could go wrong???😈

Edit: added a textless version if what you are looking for is just an innocent pic with an innocent foxie and no conflicting implications 😇




Oh no! That choker was a present! Here's hoping it doesn't snap. But I'm looking forward to the outcome either way. Wonderful work as always. I love her expression and the soft colors just fill me with joy. Thanks for all the work you do!


Ayyy! I didnt know you were aware of the story behind that choker! It was a present from her sister Ruby, yes! I wouldn't snap it nah, haha. BUT I will tease the idea ;)


Haha Ruby that lovable trouble maker! Nothing could go wrong because it is all so right 😉 hope it doesn’t break her choker gift or is that a right of passage amount the sisters? 😏


One thing is for sure, Ruby does love to push her sister into spicy scenarios like this all the time! 😈

WSAD (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-12 15:08:22 This is perfect, Crackie! <3
2019-09-18 10:59:05 This is perfect, Crackie! <3

This is perfect, Crackie! <3


Denisse really needs to keep up to date with social media trends, Ruby sure does. Would love to see Ruby's reaction to this, heh. ;)


Maybe Ruby is the one who keeps track of pervy social media trends way too close! 😈


Huuuuuge breasts with adorableness... perfect!!