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Draft season is upon us and I'll tell you why you need to know LP Langevin, Hunter Cranton, Danny Trehey, Phil Fox and Ryan Verdugo. A handful of metric darlings.



Joe, I’m curious what you think the defensive value rankings on positions 2-9 would be? For example : Does shortstop hold more defensive value than CF or Catcher. Is 3B more valuable than 2B? Is RF more valuable than 3B? Thanks

Over-Slot : The MLB Draft Podcast

A shortstop who projects to stay at shortstop holds enormous value. It's the most valuable defensive position on the field. I would put centerfield right behind SS with second base and catcher shortly thereafter. Defense at second base certainly more valuable than defense at third base from a scouting/OFP perspective. RF and 3B are of similar defensive value, but they're bat-first positions.


Thanks for the explanation