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It's been a whirlwind year over at camp Werey. 2023 marked the start of our adventure together, on June 29th, and I think we've made some pretty good progress! 

Some nifty stats for 2023, because sometimes I surprise even myself:

  • ~60 posts were made between June 29 and December 31. That's about 1 post every 3 or 4 days!
  • ~600 images were posted to supporters early. That's an average of about 10 pictures per post! 

Looking forward to 2024, I've got a few goals and ideas in mind:

  • Continuous improvements on the visuals side. I've put in a ton of effort in 2023 to up my game on everything from camera work, to lighting, to how clothes interact with the characters. I want to make sure that I'm always improving on this, and more importantly, possibly streamlining some of these processes. 
  • A couple more male character concepts are needed to drive more stories. I have a distinct lack of male character assets, but I've made some recent acquisitions that should help to rectify that problem (a little)! 
  • Wrap up Fudged Fertility. I wouldn't say that this comic got "out of control", but I would say that there was a bit of scope creep on it (I'm hittin' that copium hard)! My original plan cited 4-5 pages per 'story-week'. Obviously we've yeeted that out a 12th story window! Not that I think anyone here really cares about that; More story is more better, right?
  • I have a couple shorts that I started (mostly conceptually) that would be similar in size to the Halloween comic, so about 50 pages. Now that A Small Visit is completed, I would like to start working on some of these in tandem with Fudged Fertility. 
  • I have a couple long-form comic ideas on the horizon that would be on the scale of Fudged Fertility. One of them would feature Dr. D's amazing science. Another explores the idea of what it might mean for someone to be the perfect partner. There also another one with pixies. Lots to choose from; these are just a few examples :)

As we wrap up the holiday season I want to extend a massive thank you to everyone who's supported my wild endeavours over 2023, and I hope to do even greater things in 2024.  
