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[Dark, echoing whispers filter through as we see the shadowed halls of Hogwarts, lit only by intermittent flashes of green.]

Narrator (deep, chilling voiceover): "In a castle as old as time, where darkness lurks in every corner..."

[Shot of a fierce Slytherin student, confidently striding through the dungeon corridor. Their very presence demands respect.]

Narrator: "There's one who stands above them all. Unyielding, unfeeling..."

[Cut to Elsie Happshine, tripping over her own feet in the library and spilling books everywhere.]

Narrator (voice tinged with confusion): "Until they met... her."

[The Slytherin's eyes widen in horror as they watch Elsie, singing to herself while stirring her potion, which suddenly erupts into a pastel rainbow.]

Narrator (more anxious): "An emotion they never expected... A terror they've never known... Feelings."

[Clip of the Slytherin in their room, practising saying "Hello" in the mirror but fumbling every time.]

Narrator (voice trembling with dread): "Every stolen glance... every stuttered word... drags them deeper into the abyss."

[The Slytherin gulps audibly as Elsie's laugh echoes hauntingly around them.]

Narrator (utter horror): "Love... is the one enemy they never prepared for."

[We see the Slytherin, drenched in cold sweat, clutching their heart as Elsie excitedly waves from afar.]

Narrator (screaming): "RUN! WHILE YOU STILL CAN!"

[Cut to black. Title in dripping green letters emerges.]

Narrator (voice barely above a whisper): "Ensnared by the Badger."

Tagline (whispered with raw fear): "When the heart's deepest shadows come to light... no one is safe."

[The faint sound of Elsie's giggling fades into the distance.]



When is this romcom coming out?


European or American badger?