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Introducing... Elsie Happshine, at your service (whether you want it or not!)

Helloooo there, dear Slytherin! 💛

Surprise! Or perhaps... not so much. It's me, Elsie Happshine, your soon-to-be favourite Hufflepuff. It's really quite the honour – I've heard so much about you! Or... rather, I've observed... I mean, noticed. Ugh, let's start over.

Quick hits about me:

  • Favourite Spell: Episkey. Given my talent for accidentally tripping over thin air, this minor healing charm comes in handy. Often.
  • Hobbies: Baking (and occasionally burning) delightful treats, daydreaming about daring adventures with dashing Slytherins (no one in particular, of course 😉), and collecting unique pebbles from the Black Lake. Don't ask.
  • Life Goal: To turn every frown upside-down! Starting with a certain person who wears green really well.

Now, there's this teeny-tiny rumour floating around that I might have a slight (huge) crush. I mean, psh, what? Who said that? Okay, maybe my penchant for blushing whenever we're within a ten-foot radius gave it away, but you're just... you know... cool.

Dreams for our upcoming (inevitable) BFF-dom:

  1. Heart-to-Heart Chats: I can listen, you can... tolerate it. A perfect match!
  2. Shared Butterbeer: One mug, two straws. Just a suggestion.
  3. Adventures in Clumsiness: Beware: My klutzy nature is contagious. Let’s hope you’re ready to trip into fun... literally.
  4. Honesty: If my badger-like enthusiasm becomes too much, promise you’ll tell me? (I might tone it down. A smidge.)

I genuinely believe that the stars have conspired in our favour! We’re going to be an iconic duo, I can feel it. You, with your cunning wit and charm, and me, well, usually stumbling right behind you.

Can't wait to sprinkle a bit of Huffle-dust into your life,

Elsie Happshine 🌻

P.S. If you ever find doodles of a badger and snake dancing together in your textbooks... I promise I have no idea how they got there. Cough.



"Happshine" what a perfect Hufflepuff name.