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I wasn't going to post this as it feels a little "content creatory,"  but I recorded it for a reason, so here we go.



I can honestly say your audios are some of the best out there. You constantly bring a smile to my face with the nerdy and frazzled audios. You keep me in suspense with your villainous audios. Your range of performance is absolutely incredible. Don’t be so hard on yourself you are amazing.

Lost Puppy

speaking as one of the Darlings, You make Excelent content there has never been a time where this one has regreted becoming a patron. of the ones this one does patron Yours is on the list of "do not let go of" because of Your wonderful work. yes sometimes You have days where You can't create thats just human not everyday is perfect WE (all tiers) understand, You make A Lot of amazing content and in generally short order too, we are here to stay because of YOU. :D

Kevin Adamson

I'm sorry this year has been so hard on you Orchid. You have no reason to be sorry. You're such a beautiful person with a great heart and you put a lot on your shoulders. I wish that I could give you a big hug and tell you everything will be alright but I know that you're self sufficient and that's probably not what you want right now. Just know that you're loved and you're wonderful.

Baptiste Duhamel

Hey, I do hope you're okay despite .. all this. TLDR : You're great, keep yourself healthy and happy, we love what you do but what matters the most is that you do and nerds rule 😎. It's understandable that with all the shit that has happened you end up feeling this way. There are ups and downs and sometimes all you can do is keep yourself afloat because it's to hard to achieve more than that, but who's the moron that said it's something to be ashamed of ? Everyone goes through periods like that, and I think that managing to climb back to the surface is praiseworthy in itself. It's even more for someone like you who's a content creator because you need to juggles this plus YouTube and its bullshit plus morons on the internet and the pressure of pleasing your audience, so once again, let me say it, you have plenty to feel proud about ! Second of all : Seeing the comment and the people on your streams, I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say : Yes you audios are weird, and YES we love that ! That's what makes your channel and your content stand out, that's what makes it memorable. You're like a freakishly huge pink tree in the middle of a green forest and I think you're underestimating the number of weird people on the internet ! As per your worry about the amount of nerdy girls recently ... I'm guessing you know who you're talking to right ? Nerds are legion on the internet and, not to speak for all of us but, who didn't dream once of having a nerdy girlfriend or even just girl friend ? And yes, you're not always gonna be on top of your game, if people were always at their 100% they wouldn't be people, they'd be robots. So yeah, take a break, reduce the pace when you need to, do what you need and what works for you, we're all different so what works for one won't for another. A healthy work environment is most important so make sure to figure it out, don't make us worry about you ! You make quality work, just don't ever doubt this because it's important for you to know that. I feel like have more to say but it's already waaaaaay too long for it to be readable so I'll stop here. Have a good day and I hope you'll feel better soon 😊

Alan Hutchins

I’m responsible for everyone, I’m responsible for Christmas…..(?)

Jacob hunia

Hey dude. I get you're having a hard time and I don't know if you're gonna read this but I can't give you the whole "pat on the back and the you're doing fine" I dont know what you're going though you gotta do that for yourself but we all get stuck in shit sometimes I just know that sometimes you help me sleep better and escape reality sometimes like reading a good book


I’ve been (joyously) listening to you for a couple of years. I trust your judgment and support whatever you decide is best for you. Big hug and kiss from America.

Tom Freeze

Take a couple months off then either come back and make new recordings or don’t. Don’t delete the old content it will be a source of laughs for people for a long time as a finished body of work.


Your audios are the audios that genuinely make a positive impact on my day. The nerdy/adorkable/silly audios are truly one of a kind and feel very real. I especially love the pauses and sighs because that’s something I do quite often when I speak (I feel very self conscious about how often I sigh without even realizing I am) so that level of relatability is something I find extremely comforting. I believe you already know how good at making audios you are, so in light of the rough year you’ve had, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for creating these silly, lovely, dark and rainy (so many lovely rain pitter patters ☺️) worlds that allow me to forget my troubles for however long. Thank you so much. That being said, I am not yet convinced that pineapple belongs on pizza. 🍕


I just can echo what everyone else is writing here Orchid. Your audios are amazing and a great help to bear the burden of my days. You have m complete smypathy and i wish you all the best in the world.