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I have had to move my recording set up to an untreated room, this means that I am dealing with shitty and highly annoying reverb. That is why we are only getting Screamheart audios today. 

I am going to get busy with some curtains and duct tape, and tonight will be a busy recording night,

Thank you for all of your kind words, you really are all ridiculously lovely,



Imagine being held at gunpoint (bear with me) by a literate animal and being forced to record audio RPs, and the only hope of rescue is (BEAR WITH ME) making a Patreon post with a coded message.


Hope you and your family are doing better Sweetheart.


Must I be a bear? I'd prefer to be a dragon or a vampire.


As for your setup issues, were I in the UK I would offer to help. Sadly, I am in Australia and my arms aren't long enough... sob.

Ryan Johanson

I hope the family emergency is resolved and everyone is okay. No worries about the audios, just don't push yourself too hard.

Benjamin Horton

No, YOU’RE lovely and you are entitled to time to deal with family and technical issues! ________ Hope you and the family are doing well. We all wish you the best. Don’t stress yourself out getting back to us with content — we understand, you adorkable tea addict


We completely understand. Do what you need to, but please don’t push yourself too hard. You’re doing your best and it is more than enough. 😊 take care!


Take care, Sweetheart. <3

Amanda Nonyuh

When my boyfriend and I built our first in-home recording studio, we literally lined all the walls with the heaviest blankets we could get our hands on and set up a couple shelves to hold them. It wasn't PERFECT, and the room got really hot, but it was a Hell of a lot better sounding. Take some time, do some tests, and figure it out. No need to rush quality.