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[F4A] Even the League of Evil Needs Administrative Support [Co-Workers to Lovers][Office Romance][Jealous Listener][Coffee Shop Naivety][Scheming Barista][Painfully Oblivious][Love Confession][Awkward AF][Slow on the Uptake][THE LEAGUE OF EVIL][Gender Neutral][It Might Be the League of Evil but Office Romances Are Just the Same As Everywhere Else]


Walter Banks

Lol! Seeing this just put a smile on my face. I needed that ☺

Mike Taylor

Yes! The fruits of our collective labor are realized!


Happy happy office romance.

Mike Taylor

I can't wait for this one to be shareable on YouTube.

Chris Warren

[Jealous Listener] is extremely on target. :)


That gasp of realization, perfect.


Well, if I am evil too. I would probably take a picture of us both together and bring it to the coffee shop, with the biggest shit eating grin on my face, and brag to the batista about my new Girlfriend. Just to see their reaction.