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WARNING - This audio involves discussion of sexual assault


Neil Winter

Sexual assault victims never should blame themselves. Words can't describe the condolences I can send to you. I'm glad not talking worked for you, but I do agree that time can only heal the wounds inflicted by someone horrible, whether physically or mentally. I have no idea how to make it better, but I do know how one negative comment about something traumatic can destroy a victim. So many people are just cunts sometimes. I would say go to just a few people you can wholly trust, whether it be family or friends. Simply speaking about it here is a huge and courageous step forward. I only consider a mere stranger on the internet who supports you from afar, but just know you have so much more than just monetary support. You have my emotional support as well and I'm here to talk if you need to. To the attackers, may God forgive you, because I will never for inflicting large scars that last a lifetime. Once again though, thank you for sharing, even if it is to a stranger like me.


Well thank you for the thought, but I don't feel awesome.


I'm actually speechlees. I just wanna say that doing an audio like that shows that your a really strong person and you deserve much respect for that. <3


Honey, you are such an incredibly strong person. Thank you so much for everything that you do, you’re absolutely wonderful. I wish I could send you all the tea, just all of it, because you deserve it.


Genuinely darlin' if I could give you a cuddle and make you a cup of tea and biscuits I would just keep on going you've made it this far fuck those arseholes that's the reason they're called arseholes it's because they are! You have helped me in more ways than you know I'm a Scottish girl whose also an insecure as fuck bisexual....you know having you to listen to and just get lost in your story lines you have helped me you have made me understand that everyone is capable and worthy of love which I didn't think I warrented for a fucking long time....You make people happy, You make people euphoric for a while you send people into a deep sleep with a smile on their face, You do so much for every single person who clicks on your videos, You are worth so much more and you do not deserve to treated like a whore, slut or plaything because you warrent more respect and anyone who doesn't respect them get them to fuck out of your life because you are a diamond in the rough and you deserve so much more than what you have right now. If I could I'd swap places with you I would in an instant but due to these horrific experiences you've became a different person you've adapted and you've changed because experiences change your outlook on life. You were made stronger by this so own it and own your truth you are awesome and I cannot thank you enough for being everything I could want and ask for thank you for giving me a dream to hold on to.....to find a girl as a muppet as you E x 🖤

Richard Warnock

Not what to say about from those above have said xx


Working with survivors of sexual assault, I can safely say that it is NEVER the vic's fault. After my own traumas I began to try and put my life back together, I almost failed...But surviving isn't about going back to who you were before, that person is gone, surviving and learning to live again is about confronting those demons, and confronting them, and confronting them some more until one day you only have to fight a little in order to find something to smile about, and you sound like you're well on your way. Thank you for sharing. -Zach

Jason Epstein

It takes some real courage to share an audio like that. You really are a fantastic human being.


The fact that you had the courage to share this is truly inspiring. I was assaulted when I was a kid by someone in my family. Because I was a kid the people that defended them told me I was imagining things. I still have to see that person as an adult. Its rough and It’s something that I don’t often share even with a username, some text and a little picture to hide behind. By taking a chance and sharing it with someone, even with a bunch of us randoms on the web, you’re way more ahead in terms of recovery than I and lots of others probably will ever be. But because you shared your story, I feel less alone and I’m sure others here do too. We don’t deserve you, Honey. You’re the best. Keep your head up and stay true to the lovely cliche you are.

Florian Fuhr
