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I guess this is goodbye 😭 Emotions were high. Disappointment was there. But we can get into it all this week! Planning to post this Wednesday morning on YouTube and do a big Game of Thrones stream Wednesday night. Come ask questions and chat with us! AND we should be starting House of the Dragon shortly after Valentines Day next week (Gonna try and do a couple movies finally first!) . Oh, and streaming more The Last of Us 2 tonight. Love you all and thank you! Can't wait to see all the different opinions on the ending 😂





Yes! Love you guys !!


Y’all have given me too many things to watch tonight IDK WHAT TO WATCH FIRST 🥲

Tracy Jones

I wasn’t thrilled with the ending but, Sansa deserves the North. I wish Jon was King but, as Ramsey told Reek… “If you thought this would have a happy ending, then you haven’t been paying attention.” 🥹


Although I know a lot of people didn’t like it, my opinion is that Bran was the best choice for king. A person who has access to all of history and can learn from the rights and wrongs. Knows if a person’s intent is true or false, and can appoint the right people to help rule. Can literally see anywhere in Westeros in the current timeline to help avoid conflicts or rebellions. Doesn’t want material possessions and therefore won’t be corrupted by money or power.


House of the Dragon will help so much with getting the bad taste of the finale out of your mouth 🥰 So looking forward to you guys enjoying it!

Ciara Armstrong

I think you’re gonna like House of the Dragon though…


It wasn't just the Unsullied that wanted Jon to pay. The Iron Islands and Dorne were still allies and wanted Jon to pay as well. I assume Dorne, but we know that Yara did from the interaction at the council.


"Who has a better story than Bran the Broken?"... how about anyone in season 5. You can't say a character has the best story if you can leave them out for an entire season.

Manuel Tenger

and so our watch has ended.... oddly unsatisfied.

Amanda K

I think you should reconsider Sansa's ending. Her entire character arc was going from a naive girl who wanted nothing but to leave the north to fighting her way back and going through insane suffering to do so. Especially in the last half of the show, she valued the North and Northerners above all else. She was the one to tell Jon if he didn't help her take back Winterfell she would find a way. Everytime she did fight with Jon or Dany it was to stand up for Northern interests over others. Even if you disagreed with her in those moments, she was consistent in listening to what the Northerners wanted and advocating for their needs. From insisting Jon didn't leave it give up his crown, to telling Dany to wait so that the armies could rest. Basically she didn't just tell Bran the North would be independent because she couldn't be Queen of Westeros. She was upholding all the Northerners who died for their independence under Robb and Jon and who sacrificed the most during the war against the Night King. Basically Sansa will always be my Queen 👑.


Oh I have, I’m actually happy for Sansa, so everything we say in this video is all just instant reaction and emotion 😂 that’s why we’re gonna have a stream this week!


My final thoughts... R.I.P Dany, who was completely fucked over by D&D (Dickhead and Dickhead). I don't blame Jon for killing her despite me being a Dany fan through and through. From his perspective she was mad like her father.

Amanda K

That's awesome! I can't wait to watch it and see where your opinions stayed the same or changed after reflection! The gut reaction is intense especially for the shock of the last episode lol.

Marcos Paulo

Tell me the addresses of those who said streaming is not a job that I'll go pay them a visit 😂


I never minded Bran as final king, I agree with your assessment. I think it's all the stuff leading up to it + the way they framed him as "I'll never be lord of anything"/The Raven can't hold more power because he isn't really human anymore or whatever... seemed like "Bran becomes king" was an afterthought rather than the intent.


i still believe that bran is evil and died at the tree. the 3eyed raven is the king now, and i think we know were that will end up because even jon says “is what i did right? it doesn’t feel right?” and tyrion saying “ask me again in 10 years” and also the north being free i know everyone loves that but wouldn’t that cause a ripple effect of the other kingdoms wanting their freedom and fighting amongst themselves and the free north just how they were before aegon united the kingdoms? idk i still hate the ending after 6 rewatches


they didn’t even give dany a chance to let the adrenaline settle and reflect on what she did! she lost everything and everyone right before she burns everything down, shes juiced up after finally getting a win! and the throne she’s been working towards ofc she’s saying crazy things, let her see what she did after she calms down cause i believe 100% she would’ve felt disgusted by herself and her actions afterwards. this is the same dany who locked away her dragons for almost a whole season because they killed a shepards child!


Theory: Daenerys will be back 😂 Drogon took her east. They made a big deal in tellingus that. We know that the biggest temple for the Lord of The Light is there. So a Red Priest[ess] will resurrect her and then she will probably burn down most of Westeros not just Kings Landing. OR Drogon is just taking her to Valyria as a final resting place.


Bran could see the future if you see his visions, they pass very quickly but he sees the septum explode before it happens, he sees a dragon flying over King's Landing... but we also knew it, in the final episode of season two Danny enters in the house of the immortals and she is seen walking towards the throne, the room is destroyed, we interpret that it is snow but maybe it was ashes... when she approaches the throne in this last chapter it is exactly the same only that she manages to touch it but she does not sit down either because Jon appears... Bran's thing is the biggest shit 😂 Rob died for a free north, they named Jon king in the north and they wanted to continue being free... the north deserved to be free, I forgive Sansa for the rest

Tiesheia Brown

Thank you Cody for saying it! I couldn't comment on what I didn't like about the show because I didn't want to spoil anything BUT here we are! I absolutely hated that Sansa got to become queen of Winterfell. All her life that's all she cared about which caused the death of her direwolf to start. She stuck around kings landing STILL wanting to marry Geoffrey even after he killed her father. She should've left with the hound, so I don't feel bad at all about what she went through with Ramsey. I'm not saying she deserved it BUT she put herself in that situation by only having thoughts of being queen. They took the iron throne from John but give her Winterfell??!!! They could've kept that one!! 🤷🏽‍♀️

Tiesheia Brown

Thank you Cody for saying it in the video! I couldn't comment on what I didn't like about the show because I didn't want to spoil anything BUT here we are! I absolutely hated that Sansa got to become queen of Winterfell. All her life that's all she cared about which caused the death of her direwolf to start. She stuck around kings landing STILL wanting to marry Geoffrey even after he killed her father. She should've left with the hound, so I don't feel bad at all about what she went through with Ramsey. I'm not saying she deserved it BUT she put herself in that situation by only having thoughts of being queen. They took the iron throne from John but give her Winterfell??!!! They could've kept that one!! 🤷🏽‍♀️

Nick Peterson

Who has a better story than Bran the broken, you know, a story so good they left him out of an entire season...


she did not want to marry him after he killed ned lol what? and i think her getting winterfell and the north makes sense for her since she eventually fought for and won it back. better than her being on the iron throne like i think cody predicted at one point


The ending that was written by none other than Catelyn Stark herself 😂 Jon exiled with Wildings, Arya gets to be free and do what she always wanted to. Sansa gets to be Queen and Bran gets to be.... whatever the fuck he is.

Tiesheia Brown

@AG She did want to marry him. But for argument sake, let's say she didn't. So answer me this, why in the world didn't she leave with the hound when he offered to get her out of there? And John fought for Winterfell too. I know Baliesh arrived and saved the battle BUT John still fought for it, so that's not a valid point of reference. Let's just say that we have a difference in opinions, but I still stand firm that she didn't deserve it.


yeah i can’t see how he can basically admit to everyone “wHy dO YoU tHiNk i cAMe aLl ThIs wAy?” meaning he knew what was going to happen and that he would get to be king afterwards and they are just cool with that? like he went through all that crap beyond the wall JUST to learn Jon’s parentage so he could sow seeds of destruction between Dany and Jon and then he didn’t do anything to fight the army of the dead OR stop dany from killing an entire city. then he deserves to be king? nah fuck Bran.


She did not want to marry Joffrey after he killed her father. She was trying to survive. She was a hostage and a victim of Joffrey's sadistic cruelty and Cersei's manipulative politics. She didn't care a single bit about being Queen once she understood the cost and before that, she was just a little girl who spent her whole life being GROOMED by her parents to fulfill her role as a lady of a noble house to marry well and provide sons that furthered her family. This is seriously the WORST take I've ever heard about Sansa's character.


Because she thought Stannis was literally walking in the door and she felt much safer with him than with the scary brigand Sandor Clegane. Sansa is the one who convinced Jon to fight for Winterfell and he was really reluctant to do so. Then he went in stupid and LOST only to be saved by...wait-for-it...Sansa. After Sansa escaped King's Landing, she was the biggest voice for the North's independence and the well-being of the Northerners. This is a TERRIBLE take.


Honestly 80% of the plot points weren’t even bad it was the rushed execution of them. Dany going from save everyone to kill everyone in a matter of like 3-5 episodes isn’t enough. And the way they killed her second to last dragon was stupid an episode ago she talked about the iron fleet and she somehow forgets and runs into them to get her dragon killed. That’s the explanation the show runner gave was “dany kinda forgot about the iron fleet” even tho she mentioned them recently at a meeting with everyone lmao.


That's the temple I was thinking of... I hope so. Let her rain fire😉😂


Kit Harrington the actor who plays John has done quite a lot of interviews about how the show ends. They are on YouTube. He talks about why he killed Dani, how John felt about going back to the wall, which part of what Tyrion said to him made him choose to kill her etc…. He had to go into inpatient rehab after the show was over he was in a dark place. He also talks about falling in love with his wife during filming and the two children he has now. His spinoff is still in talks so the latest interviews in the last year he is a bit more vague with the questions.


I though Jon going back to the Wall was a fitting end for him except I barely buy that Grey Worm let him live. Grey Worm was DEVOTED to Dany and truly believed in her. I don't think there's any way he wouldn't have just taken Jon out right away. And like...Jon killed the Queen. And whether or not it was justified, it was totally fair for Grey Worm to demand justice there. He gave the love of his life and so much of his own life for Dany, and Jon murdered her. Also, Sansa deserves the North and she'll be a better ruler for it than Jon. She's smarter, she's more utilitarian (less myopically noble at the cost of more practical concerns), she's strong and savvy...She'll be great. She also stood for her home and the North more than anyone else after she left King's Landing. She supported Jon and his claim and was upset when he handed over the crown and their independence. Her becoming Queen of the North was the best part of this whole finale. And just as an aside, Sansa is my favorite character in the show and I think a true feminist icon. We're really quick to give women respect if they're warriors like Arya and Brienne but that's because we see them breaking into male archetypes as doing something worthy and respectable (which is fine--we need our Joan of Arcs, too). But Sansa represents a very powerful but underrated form of feminine strength--survival. Through millennia of oppression and exploitation at the hands of men, women have endured and survived and Sansa was such a poetic tribute to that type of strength and power. Every time I rewatch GOT, I feel so proud of her for her instincts and her trust in herself and her resilience and her confidence (because how do you go through what she's gone through and maintain your sense of self and power?? Theon couldn't.) So I think her being Queen in the North was the best part of the ending. She earned that.


That Robyn Aaron glow up tho...the real twist of the GOT finale.


This is an awful read of Sansa's character. In the finale of season 1 she contemplates killing Joffrey and may have if the Hound didn't stop her and she's the one to tell the Tyrells that Joffrey is a monster. When she wanted to become queen she was a 13 year old CHILD who had been conditioned her entire life to believe that was her duty. She hasn't had any desire to become queen for several years by this point and she has been consistent in the last couple seasons in speaking up for the North. Sansa being crowned Queen in the North is one of the only satisfying outcomes of this show.


omg finally another sansa lover/defender i thought i was the only one lol. also heyyyyy fellow army :D


I forgot that this episode is so bad that it gives me diarrhea

Henry Feierman

Btw bran can’t see the future only the past and present (except in small visions that very rarely happen)

Pam Nail

I feel like Jon just goes north of the Wall and becomes the new Mance Rayder.


John was botched so bad by this episode. First of all once they found out he killed Danny, either Greyworm or the Dothraki would have killed him on the spot. And him going to the Nights Watch makes 0 sense. Why is there a Nights Watch? There's no whitewalkers anymore, the wall is open, and what's left of wildings are accepted in the North. There literally is no point to a Nights Watch anymore...


The snow scene in the throne room was snow, it's another D&D moment where they tried to make it seem like they planned it all. The script for that episode says "snow falls " in the chamber room. I had thought the same but i saw a comment then a google search lol I think it was supposed to almost be a nod to the White walkers cause the book scene also talks of walkers. or the others.

Melanie Vine

Everyone has covered what I wanted to say. Season 8 finale was a shit show. Most of season 8 really. This was the biggest show of all time and D and D wanted to move on so they rushed it and wrote a ridiculous ending. George RR Martin said he had enough of a story to do 4+ more seasons. Maybe by then we'd have Winds Of Winter so could get the ending this epic show deserved. Of all the stupid shit one thing that's so ridiculous is how (if you look back at the scene with Tyrion finding Jamie and Cersei, they were buried under a pile of bricks. If they'd have stood 8 feet to the side they'd have survived. It's all horse shit. 4 years on and I'm still pissed 😤

Melanie Vine

Now will you guys PLEASE watch Westerosi Rhapsody 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 it's 6 minutes guys, it's all I ask x


Bran’s whole story line completely sucked. For him to be King, yuck


Also, Jon and Tyrion rationalizing was, I assume, an attempt to make Dany's actions less of a "WTF??" moment. Like the writers were trying to explain after-the-fact that "this was how it was always going to go and we should have known." And their sympathy for her and their praise of her cause despite her methodology, was an attempt to apologize for turning a fan favorite and, at the time, one of the most beloved female characters of our generation, into a monster. I think it was a weak attempt because there was no amount of hindsight or "if onlys" that could make anyone feel like Dany's final three episode arc and sudden fall from grace to death was reasonable or justified. But the intention of that scene was to soften the blow, I think. It's weird, maybe it's because you guys binged the series all the way through and people who watched the first time had years to fall in love with the characters and story, but I, like Jon and Tyrion, bent over backward to defend Dany in the final three episodes. To sympathize, to rationalize, to believe that she did what she had to because I was so unwilling to let the writers so rashly and irresponsibly besmirch and erase my entire conception of her character and story. I didn't have it in me to say "fuck her, she's mad, she's evil, she should die." Not after years of watching her grow and learn and act with kindness and restraint and compassion and intelligence. I even respected her (rather biblical) sense of justice because it was consistent and not egregious in the context of the show. Even now, I still can't see her as the bad guy. And Dany's not even in my Top 10 characters in the show. It's not like a blind adoration. It's just a respect for the character. I couldn't just throw her under the bus. Maybe it's easier when you've only spent a few months with the show. I guess that would make a difference, wouldn't it?


One question in regards to the HOTD… if completed season one by August do u guys plan on live season two in August? Great series guys glad to see your faces cringe when the name the damn tree hugger king 🤣


My only major issue was this… how the hell is Bran going to send him to the nights watch knowing they all died and fought against them at winterfell “who ever isn’t here is with them now”. So they were like ya you helped us and killed the mad queen so now we are sending you to a castle by yourself. I was like who tf is even there they all died but Sam and Jon 😂


I agree, I mean he wasn't even in Season 5, and according to IMDb, Bran was only in 40 out of 83 episodes lmao. Side Character energy.


Bloody Bran?!? The vacant, “what were we talking about?”, sounds like an automated customer service bot, as King?? I’ve officially seen it all now. That was the most rushed, everything chucked into a blender and mushed into a “what the fuck is that?” monstrosity. No wonder the behind the scenes finale table read looked uncomfortable as fuck 😂😂


Listen....Cody had me dyingggggg. These two are the best 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, no offense but that is not the same version of Sansa's sorry that I watched. I saw someone who wanted to be a Queen when she was a child, but once in that situation was used as a bargaining chip and kept as a prisoner, while she was still a child.


I did absolutely love watching this with you guys though. It wasn’t a show I would have watched by myself and I’ll definitely be watching House of the Dragons


I hate Bran

Tiesheia Brown

@Jason Cascante No offense taken... it's just a show and i don't get angry because someone else's opinion differs from mine. 😊 What i will say is that you and I saw things in a totally different way. I'll give you that she was kept as a prisoner, BUT she had opportunities to get away from that and she chose to stay when she thought she was going to be married to Loras Tyrell. It wasn't until AFTER she realized that wouldn't happen and they married her to Tyrion that she had the desire to leave with Baliesh (for the second time I might add). I know he wasn't any better, but it was a chance to get out of king's landing and away from Cersi and once again she CHOSE to stay. The first time Baliesh tried to take her out of there she refused to go then. It wasn't until she went through what she went through with Ramsey that she learned to play the game of thrones and used it to her benefit. Moreover, I don't feel like she deserved the Ramsey stuff by any means, BUT I didn't feel sorry for her because she had options prior to all that but she chose otherwise. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Tiesheia Brown

I saw her character as a person who wanted some sort of important station. Whether it was queen at first, then lady of high garden, who eventually learned how to play the game of thrones; which got her to be queen of Winterfell! 🤷🏽‍♀️

Tiesheia Brown

@SNBangtan My opinion differs from yours, so that makes it a terrible take??? 🤣🤣 I disagree, but I respect your opinion. I just disagree and didn't see her character that way. Because even AFTER Stannis didn't make it through the gate, she didn't know that Baleish was full of crap when he offered to take her away from king's landing the FIRST time but she stayed because she got excited over the idea of being married to... wait for it..... Loras Tyrell! 🤷🏽‍♀️


The best part of S8 Game Of Thrones is that eventually you finish S8 Game Of Thrones and can finally watch House Of The Dragon. Was a blast rewatching it with you, and now your watch has ended 🫡


House of the Dragon is peak GOT imo, I can’t wait for season 2 this summer. They really picked a convenient timing waiting for these seasons to come out is hell

Alex Mitchell

Mad Queen or not, Daenerys Targaryen will always be my favorite character in this show. I just wish the show would have set up her villain arc properly instead of making her go insane in the last three episodes 😓


I guess I meant him returning to the North, not the Night's Watch. You're right, the Wall is pointless except as an exile for bastards and broken men, as Tyrion said. So I don't think it made sense for him to be part of the "Night's Watch," but him being in the North made sense. He's never been built for the Game of Thrones. Even now, in presumably more peaceful times, he's not meant to rule a house or a kingdom or head a family of nobility...he doesn't want to lead and he doesn't want to be led. He just wants to be unentangled from the world of rules and powerful men. He gets that in the North. It's simple up there.

Bill Bliss

This should be taught in film schools as the best way to completely ruin what was once the greatest show on television. Everything is so wrong about these last 3 episodes.


I always thought it was clear that Bran died a long time ago and the three-eyed raven played everyone easily and is king and will take Drogon


I think you completely missed the point of that line by Bran. He didn’t come all this way just to learn Jon’s parentage. He did it because there’s the best chance for peace under his rule given his abilities. I put this in another comment but I’ll add it here too, bc I think it’s important to understand why Bran is the best choice given his abilities… He’s a person who has access to all of history and can learn from the rights and wrongs. Knows if a person’s intent is true or false, and can appoint the right people to help rule. Can literally see anywhere in Westeros in the current timeline to help avoid conflicts or rebellions. Doesn’t want material possessions and therefore won’t be corrupted by money or power.

Aaron Boone

Picking Bran was the dumbest thing ever.

Chaz D

Idk if you guys have seen it or not but if not, I’d love to see you react to Sons of Anarchy after HOTD. A few others you would love and are great reaction shows is Ozark, Breaking Bad, Prison Break.

Tony Steel

Don’t worry it is not over. Next year we get John Snow, the sequel series that will work its ass off to fix things I am sure. lol. Can’t wait.


This last episode is so cringe I can't even watch the reaction to it. I will like the video to support my favorite reactors. Can't wait for house of the dragon!


I will never not hate D&D for turning Dany into something she's not 😂 (compared to the books). Daenerys will be the only Targaryen to use her dragons for the good, to save the world from the Others and win the true war. This is why she's the ANTITHESIS of her ancestors and that's why she is the last Targaryen. She is not a conqueror like her ancestors, she is a liberator. Just a real shame that they tried turning her into a mAd qUeEn as if we didn't have Cersei right there?? But anyways, Dany's still the most popular character of GOT, even after the last two shitty episodes 🐉❤️🔥


The way D&D showed Dany as a bigger threat to Westeros in s8 than the main villain of the series that they built for 7 seasons will never not be crazy to me. How do u mean the white walkers got defeated in just one episode... I think that in the books, Westeros will be the battlefield for the face off between the titular ice and fire. The Others vs Daenerys and her dragons. Hopefully GRRM will release the books someday 😭😭


Are you guys planning on reading the books?

Kosia Gotit

Bran can definitely see the future. He saw the dragon flying over kings landing, He clearly knew Jaime was showing up at Winterfell (him waiting for an old friend) then saying he can never be Lord of anything to Sansa but then saying why do you think I came All this way ..eh he sees the future no changing my mind on that one.

Tiesheia Brown

@Tori Loomis While I respect your opinion, I firmly disagree that she was "conditioned her entire life to believe" her duty was to be queen. Sansa always wanted to get out of Winterfell and it was only after she went through the crap she went through that she longed to go back home. I'd like to direct your attention to episode 1 when Robert brought up the marriage between her and Geoffrey and the conversation that took place between Katelyn and Sansa while Kat was doing her hair. No matter how old she was at that time SHE wanted to get out of Winterfell and SHE begged her mother to tell her father to say yes to the proposal because she wanted out of Winterfell and SHE wanted to be queen. It was only after she went through that messed up crap at king's landing that she wanted to go back home. In my opinion, it was her ambition that led her down the path she took and she didn't deserve to be queen to me. But hey, let's just agree to disagree! 🤷🏽‍♀️


hi sry had to update my card details for membership doh and just wanted to say you might now already but there is a winnie the pooh blood and honey 2 trailer out would be good to see your reaction to it when you have time hope you all ok and well


Welp, I know it’s not the best ending, though it could have been a lot worse, still my favorite show. They rushed the last season, but the acting and quality are still amazing. Would have been great to see Jon as king, but instead he gets to be “free” north of the wall with his buddy Tormond. Not sure what to say about Bran. Cody, you called it a few episodes ago calling him “broken”. Then that ended up being his title. lol. That’s GoT.


The best thing about this GOT Finale is that it makes way for you guys to move on to HOTD. Let’s just put this behind us and move on. 🫣


Yeah I will say that ending left my so empty especially going through this series while growing up and just seeing how fast it all fell apart due to rushing it. I think if we had things more spread out and better build up between certain points of the story would have been way better. The one thing I will say is I am super happy about Sansa’s being queen. I don’t think people remember that bran will die at some point he won’t be a stark king forever and then they will elect someone else to be king so the north would then fall under that person. Sansa made sure that they stayed free after bran is gone instead of stuck again under some else’s family.

Tiesheia Brown

@SNBangtan I, like you watched the show all those years ago and in my opinion, no, it doesn't make a deference. Because she didn't have an arc to me and what she did wasn't all of a sudden. All she did was stop listening to people that constantly tempered what she wanted to do; which was bring fire and blood, but she was talked out of it by her counsel. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I didn't read the books or know anything about the GoT universe prior to watching the series so I only had HBO's interpretation. I really didn't get the disappointment until season 8 (although I can admit season 7 was kinda meh). I am not saying I loved everyone's ending (in fact there was a lot I hated ) but had it been paced out and not crammed into 6 episodes it might have made more sense. I was also unfortunate to being watching the series in real time and we waited SO long for season 8 and ....that's what we got. It just felt like a slap in the face to put out something so rushed and sloppy as the finale season of what was a great television show.

Peter Christopher Banlon

I would have never watched this show again if it wasn't for you guys. My all-time favorite TV show ever up to this point and time was destroyed by the choices directors made. The cost of production skyrocketed between location and actor salary, and it left them forced to cram what should have been two more seasons into the final to make any profit. Cheers!

Anna J

Imagine setting up a character for 6 seasons to be leader of the people, good fighter and archnemesis of the Night King all while keeping this mystery of his true identity. Then after 6 seasons you reveal his identity to be a fucking prince and heir to the throne, literally the son of ice and fire, only to then; a) not give him the ultimate showdown with the Night King, b) not actually use his identity in any way but to make Dany more paranoid, c) not even making him the king in the end, even though he was the only real candidate and the actual heir, d) then exile him back to a fucking frozen wasteland so his epic story and legendary bloodline can die with him. Dan & Dave are the biggest idiots I've ever seen.


I’ve watched a lot of GoT theory videos. I just watched one the other day that helped me not hate the ending so bad. Maybe it will help you too. I found the creator’s entire series about the Old Ways to be really fun, but this particularly one focuses on those last bits of the show and what why Dave and Dan chose to go this route. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/7ldQyR2lBPU?si=YtZJNrMvC3qG2KI3