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Season Six!





Robert L

This is my favorite season of GOT. Can’t wait to watch it again through your eyes Bridgeco.


All time best season!!!! Through and through from 1 to 10!!

Iggie nocturna

Woooooo!!!!! I’m so excited!


The red woman is actually around 400 years old.


You guys have some of the best commentary lol...buckle the hell up for this season!!!!!

Ciara Armstrong

Feels like every time I have a terrible day, at the end of it I get my fave GOT reaction, from my fave reactors, and my day turns out to be a little less shit. Thank you guys for your public service 🙏🏼

Ellie Miller

Melisandre and the old lady in Room 237 should get some drinks together. 🍸🍷


Bridget’s scream when it showed the red woman without her necklace on is all of us when we saw it for the first time lol


Hahaha love your reaction at the end of this episode. Yeah the red woman is actually old as hell 😂

Marcos Paulo

I loved the Voldemort censorship after you know what's coming.

z dubbs

“titles titles”💀

Melanie Vine

This seasons crazy, you'll love it.....I can't wait to see you watch the next episode. Crazy shit guys 😳


Yes, thank you! Can't wait to watch the next episode :)

Emily Dawn

“He’s gonna sacrifice himselffffff” has me rolling 😂😂😂 hahahah


S6 is my favourite season. Two of the best episodes are in S6. The last time Melisandre took off the necklace she stayed young, but she has lost faith in her ability to read the flames. She saw a great victory in the flames, which is why she burned Shireen, but Stannis died. She was absolutely convinced Stannis was The Prince that was Promised, because he had Kings blood. But Stannis is dead, which means it's not him. So she needs to start looking for another prince/king.

The Emerald Duchess

As a disgruntled postal clerk I thank you for brightening my day with this


Ah yes, the absolute war crime the showrunners did with the Dorne arc, almost forgot...nah, it is too terrible to forget.


New subscriber post! 🔥 I’ve been really enjoying your guys’ reaction on YouTube that I just needed more! Much love to you both 💕 Haha I had to subscribe at the moment with my favorite character, Melisandre. (I know - I’ll get a lot of hate for it). I think she is one of the best written characters in GRRM’s universe. Born a slave girl called Melony, screaming for her mother as she was taken from the Slaver’s Block. Sold into the Red Priestdom. Why I love her: 1) You have to step back and look at her character in a meta sense. She’s 400 years old - possibly immortal. She has seen wars come and gone, families, empires, etc. “She had no time for sleep, with the weight of the world upon her shoulders. And she feared to dream. Sleep is a little death, dreams the whisperings of the Other, who would drag us all into his eternal night.” - ADWD, Mel I While I am not at all for child sacrifice - let’s be clear haha - in her eyes, she’s seen many generations. She is so devoutly focused (How could you not be? Oh my God has made me immortal, I must be important). Her methods are extreme, but her heart is not evil. She truly is on the side of the Living and her purpose is to defeat Death. 2) GRRM has stated that Melisandre (& Varys) are his two most misunderstood characters in the ASOIAF. “There are four kings in the realm, and three of them have more men and more gold than I do. I have ships… and I have her. The red woman. Half my knights are afraid even to say her name, did you know? If she can do nothing else, a sorceress who can inspire such dread in grown men is not to be despised. A frightened man is a beaten man. And perhaps she can do more. I mean to find out.” - Davos I Lil’ tid bit from the books, but Davos actually had another son who was a squire to Stannis. She saw in the flames that he would die and commanded he stay back with her to avoid that fate, but in her words did not expect praise from Davos or others. 3) Probably the most important reason she resonates with me so much. She came from literally nothing and ascended into a Demigod-esque place. She studied hard and learned important magic skills: “Melisandre had practiced her art for years beyond count, and she had paid the price.” She has sacrificed so much for a greater purpose and destiny to help save the Living from the Great Other. A slave girl from nothing to an extremely important player in the Game of Thrones. ❤️‍🔥 She’s a tragic anti-heroine who views the world as so black and white, yet is the most morally grey character. Side note: Mad love to Carice van Houten for bringing this amazing, complex, powerful, selfless zealot to life. ❤️‍🔥 P.P.S. - Can we please get over the old woman reveal? This article does a great job explaining: https://decider.com/2016/04/25/5-reasons-why-last-nights-game-of-thrones-melisandre-reveal-was-awesome/amp/

Lina Marshall

“Why would you just throw that at me instead of bringing Jon back to life” 😂😂😂😂

Anna J

Same, I agree with you so much! The only characters I actually "hate" are Joffrey and Ramsey, but I have always understood characters like Melisandre, Selyse, even Cersei. They are easy to be seen as evil, but when you put yourself in their shoes and think "What would I do if I got myself in that situation", we'd all probably understand better. Mel is a 400 yo priestess who feels the weight of saving the world from the Others on her shoulders, Cersei is a woman who's mother died when she was a child and her father is a cold brutal man who married her to a man who didn't even try to love her or even pay attention to her, putting her below a dead girl who never loved him. Yes, she has 3 incest kids, but they are all she really has and loves and wants to protect them. And Selyse is a wife of a King who was taught her only duty was to give him a son, and all she gave him are stillborns and a daughter with a scarred face. She found a purpose and a feeling of importance in Melisandre's prophecies. Overall they are just gray characters that can't simply be labeled as evil, but are definitely not good, you just can understand their actions from their point of view, which is why they even are POV characters. GRRM wants us to not just judge, and try to understand.

Sara Palma

You guys had me dying 😂


Seriously I had to rewind that part hahahaha I was DYING at that