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Kidnapping Training Beheading And More Kidnapping





Yasssss love you guys


Finally ;). Great reaction as always. But just to clarify: The Bolton's are currently at Winterfell. They left Moat Cailin a while ago after Roose made Ramsay an official Bolton as a reward for using Reek to make the Ironborn surrender (even though Ramsay killed all the Ironborn after anyway). They rebuilt Winterfell and have been living there. That's why Brienne and Pod are going around Moat Cailin, because they know Sansa and Littlefinger are going through the Moat and going to Winterfell (bc that seems the logical destination for someone traveling on that road).


Also, I always saw Jon beheading Janos Slynt as a symbolic revenge for what Janos did to Ned in season 1. If you can't remember, Janos was the commander of the City Watch when they (with the help of Littlefinger) betrayed Ned and killed all his men in the throne room.


Thanks for letting them know. I was just getting on to say the same. The Dreadfort is the Bolton home. This is where Theon is being tortured. Look at it on the map Moat Caitlin as mentioned above is where Ramsey had Theon go in under a white flag to get it back to the Boltons Winterfell is now where the Boltons are. This is why Stannis is talking to Jon in this episode about taking his home back Also Jon doesn’t know that Sansa is going to Winterfell. If he knew she was there that may have changed his mind but the writers love those near misses in the story.

Laura Thornley

Also its easy to get confused at this point in the show - as people start fast travelling around. They were at Moat Callin earlier in the episode, and Winterfel is about a week's ride north - time just starts jumping very strangely from this point.

Ciara Armstrong

Omg I just want mooooore GOT. Can’t wait for the next one!!


literally got CHILLS watching your reaction to roose bolton’s marriage proposal for ramsay and sansa. it’s so dooming for her, she doesn’t know it yet but as viewers already seeing the brutality and the monstrous things this man does, she’s in for a ride. also, LOVE the new camera angle, it does give you more room! 🫶🏼 love ya’ll


Tbh I’m a little shocked you didn’t recognize Jonathan Pryce as the head sparrow . He’s ms swans dad and the governor in the pirates of the Caribbean franchise. He’s one of the actors with a very notable voice .

Mama Browsss

Wow, I've watched GoT like a bazillion times and never thought of it that way. Nice!


The God with many faces is death☠️🙂


A latrine pit is a makeshift toilet🙂


Don't forget, Janos Slift - the a'hole that was beheaded, was also the guy that stabbed the baby in the brothel and lead the gold cloacks against Ned.Hey guys...WHEN will my name go on the yellow Patreon list? Been at least 4 months now...NOT feeling the love! 😪