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This one was hard…



An Explosive Turn of Events



Oh god here we go


I believe in you


My favorite part of being up at like 5am is I’m up to watch the video before work


Well, good morning!

Robert L

I think my heads going to explode from excitement.

Sarah Wevers

Cody being speechless is amazing to me lmao we’re all with you guys!!😭 i was ready to quit the show after this

Robert L

Oberyn was so arrogant. He had the fight won. Still one of the best deaths.

Ron B

My previous coworkers showed me this full fight scene shortly before season 6 started airing. Having never seen a single thing with GoT, am I crazy for running through the 5 seasons right as the season 6 finale aired? 🤣🤣

Marcos Paulo

I cheated went straight to the end to see your thoughts 😕


Omg I loved your reactions! I felt it again tho. 😭 My reaction was almost exactly the same as Bridgets' when I watched it the first time. :D


such a mindblowing episode

Marcos Paulo

"Thats the start of her downfall." You guys vibe with me😉


No, that was exactly my experience, except it was my bff that I saw bits of this season before season 6 started. I ended up binging seasons 1-5 a couple of weeks before season 6 premiered.


Well want be seeing an episode for awhile 😂😂😂 if devastated was two ppl


I still have to cover part of the screen to shield my eyes from Oberyn’s death every time….I can’t go through that again. 🫣 RIP Viper


Prince Oberyn Nymeros Martell, the end of a man we did not know for long, but a man all us fans adored when he was around.

Ana Fox

a ...crushing ending


I feel bad for laughing as much as I did at you guys reaction 😂😭

Julia RMcNew

No more Daddy Pedro 😭😭 WHAT A WAY TO KILL HIM OFF TOO!!!!!!! Though the way Cody just shut down at the end and turned everything off gives me life 🤣🤣


Does anyone else have their fingers crossed that we’ll get another episode today? 😂

bateman bookworm

if that letter had been about anyone else then jorah would also agree that Dany banish them. we know Jorah is good but from her perspective she's been betrayed. we all know u can trust no one, and Jorah could've very well still been a spy.

bateman bookworm

in the books it was explained more, but the reason oberyn needed the confession was because he needed it confirmed that Tywin ordered the murder of his sister. with that confession he would have declared war from dorne on Tywin and kings landing, getting his full revenge by killing Tywin. I just wish he would have cut his leg off or something😭

Alex Lee

that was my exact reaction too...


Stunned disbelief...yup that sounds about right. I know it won't make you feel any better, but the next 2 episodes are tremendous...

Ciara Armstrong

This one gutted me. Oberyn was one of favourite characters. I wish they’d kept him around way longer. ☹️


I can’t tell ya how much I was screaming for oberyn to end the mountain when he could have 🥲


I've re-watched this series soooo many times over the years, but I still cannot bring myself to see this scene. I felt traumatized after the first time and that was enough for me


Cody's reaction was literally mine the first time I saw this hahhahahaha

Laura Thornley

Not sure it was all arrogance. He wanted a confession with an audience so he could publicly accuse Tywin of ordering the murder of his sister, nephew and niece. And the only way to get it out of a beast like the Mountain is through pain and rage. Whether the accusation would stick is another matter - but Oberyn knew he couldn't be legally touched for it since he's a Prince of Dorne. And he knew whether he lived or died it didn't matter in the long run - Dorne would have to act and stop siding with the family who he despised. It was a gambit that he paid a heavy price for.

Laura Thornley

Best guest star ever. Too soon?


Idk if it was really arrogance for sure. He was obsessed with his sister's murder, he had to hear it. It cost him his life.


How bloody dare they….😩😩😩 My jaw is on the fucking floor, how dare they do that to his beautiful face and then have that giant confess while he’s doing it!! Can Cersei just DIE already?! That smug, self satisfied smirk, I’m just going to sit here and patiently wait. 🤬 Sidenote: The freefalling soundtrack at the beginning 👌🏻 classic 😂 Second sidenote: Bridgette, your facial reactions are the same as mine completely, also your nails look FANTASTIC

Melanie Vine

You know I've watched this show over 20 time, with reactors maybe 40 and I've never known such silence and shock 🤣 My husband said, the screens frozen....... I still shout at Oberyn now, "KEEP AN EYE ON HIM, KILL HIM QUICK" Now onto Tyrions fate, and the battle of the Wall. Bucket up kids its a wild ride 😱

Fighting Wombat

"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention." - Ramsey Bolton


I thought the video froze the last two minutes. Cody was as still as a statue.


To Cody and Bridget - That was not Joel. You're mixing up your feelings for how much you love Joel. Oberyn was a great character. We all liked him a lot! We definitely wanted to see him kill the mountain and see more of him in the series. So, I know it's hard, but please hurry up and get back to the show so you can watch the next two episodes! It'll be okay, I promise.

Laura Thornley

FYI to all who didn't see the post on Discord: we'll be getting the rest of this season thursday/friday, then its a two week break. Honestly, I think they need the breather so they can be less stressed. By watching horror movies.