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Misty messed up. Randy's handys. And a baby is coming...



Joshua Johnson

Sadly next week is going to be a break and episode 6 will be back the following week


You beat me to it. It preparing us as the cast and show runners have said. We are in for a ride the next 3 or 4 episodes. They also might release a surprise episode 10 because you have to have ten episodes for best tv show nominations


So, there’s this old Algonquin legend of a spirit residing in the forest called the Wendigo, which prays on the morally weak and drives them to cannibalism. I was thinking about it earlier in season one, but the further we get into season 2 the more I feel like that’s where the show is going. Fairly certain at this point that whatever is going on is actually related to a Wendigo spirit. Google it. It really lines up.


So here's my thoughts after watching this episode through a couple times: I think that Lottie is *trying* to do good. I think she has the capability, and feels like tapping into the wilderness is okay to do - and it normally *would* be, like, anywhere else lol But the problem is *where* they decided to settle - specifically, the cabin and the woods immediately surrounding it. Because I think that there is a malevolent entity of some sort who is *also* in the forest with them, but it's not the same *as* the woods (even though it is similarly an unseen kind of force, like the forest itself). I think something bad happened there that tained the land (think: Pet Sematary or the Tommyknockers from Stephen King - like, above and beyond the dead French guy, 'cause what the fuck killed HIM!?) and now it's inside all of them, just like the dead French guy told them during the seance. Also something to consider: the fact that the malevolent entity *demands blood* and, oh so coincidentally, happens to reward the person sacrificing it with whatever they want in that moment. It's happened multiple times already: the birds and Shauna bleeding on the symbol on the baby blanket; Misty 'spilling' Kristen's blood (rip bestie ;v;) which leads to Lottie and the girls miraculously able to connect with Tai and Shauna as they're struggling to find their way back in the blizzard (there was literally no way they could have heard each other shouting in those conditions - just no way); Tai sacrificing Biscuit and winning the race to be senator. Any time they spill blood, they have the chance to essentially 'make a wish' to this entity- and it will grant them *whatever* they want. And benevolent energies don't generally request blood sacrifices, y'all. Another example I want to point out, though - is the show revealing to us a NEGATIVE example of this sort of unintentional spellcasting, with Nat and Javi's jeans. She did that to help Travis, so her intentions were pure, but she didn't spill blood in the *right place* (ie. near one of the symbols) - so instead of getting what she wanted, she got a vision of *sacred* good fortune (the white moose - what she could have had - maybe even a true representation of the forest itself acknowleding her?), and ultimately loses it in the lake. So there are examples of people being granted a wish or denied it, depending on where they are, what they're doing, and what their intentions are, as well. Which now - part of me wonders if Van did something to anger the entity, somehow - and it made her sick to punish her for it? Maybe because she took herself so far away from the rest of the remaining teammates? Hmm.


My theory: Tai has a traveler/entity inside her (man with no eyes) and was the reason they crashed. I think when the blackmail and symbol kept floating around, the entity came forward again and that’s why she started sleep walking/doing rituals all of a sudden.

E. H.

For what it's worth -- in mythology, a white stag typically symbolizes purity or "unwavering innocence." I'm not sure as to the cause & effect, yet it does seem innocence was "unwaveringly" lost upon losing that game. They really did need it.


Hello! Loving your reactions; just wanted to suggest editing the post include the Yellowjackets tag (I almost missed this one!).