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We told you we were filming some bedroom content... we were basically the grandparents in Willy Wonka here. I wasn't sure if I was even going to edit this but here we are lol. 




I was just thinking about if y’all were gonna react to this LOL

Mitch Barry

This movie has helped me. I'm glad Brendan won the oscar.


This movie hit deep for me. I’ve always struggled with my weight but have lost 110lbs over the last couple of years but I’ll always remember that feeling of depression and low self worth when I was struggling with weight. Plus, I petition for Bridget to wear her hair like this more often for reactions, super cute!


And Ellie is Max from Stranger Things


Hey, I’m Always in my bed Watching You! Wait… that came out wrong.


not this movie i’ve seen clips and the emotions hit with just 60 seconds I can only imagine how the whole movie will make me feel let only y’all reaction 😭😭😭

Nicholas Hentges

Love this movie, I've really liked just about all of Darren Aronofsky's movies. If you want to check some out, Black Swan (story about a ballet performer) with Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis is a standout as far as being great and not completely devastating. The Wrestler (story about a washed up wrestler) is very similar in themes and tone as The Whale. Micky Rourke stars and I think he won an oscar for it, nominated at least. Great movie, sad but not nearly as much as some of the others here, probably most mainstream movie. Requiem for a Dream (story about drugs and their addicts) is also fantastic, but quite a bit more depressing, really great performances and score. Noah (like the ark) I only saw the one time, I did enjoy it, just haven't rewatched it. I'm an atheist, but I have appreciated some great religious films, and I do remember liking it in that context. Mother! (story about a mother to-be whom's serenity is intruded upon by fans of her husband's work) will almost definitely be too intense (even in comparison to some of the others), it is my favorite of his movies but I can not in good conscience recommend that movie, it is NOT for everyone. Great performances from all involved, just absolutely devastating. Didn't mean for that to turn into a listicle but I'm stoned so whatever.