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You could've shot her in the head less aggressively.




Right on time as I sparked up😂


fun fact the actress that played ellies mom is the voice of ellie in the game

Joshua Johnson

In the beginning Ellie was still dealing with the trauma of the David stuff which is why she was acting weird.. In the end it’s cuz she knows he’s lying

Rob Frawley 2nd

The mother at the beginning of the episode was played by Ashley Johnson (who is the performance actor that plays Ellie in the video games).

Rob Frawley 2nd

Some of the episodes were close to the game and some featured pretty large deviations, but the core storyline remained throughout. As for the final episode, it very faithfully recreated the game, IMHO, and ends exactly the same. Part II then picks up 4 or 5 years later.

Fredrik IB

You guys are awesome, and i'll certainly stick around for you guys playing the game. Watching this with you all has been a blast right after finishing the episode on my own first. It's a truly wonderful story and an incredible adaptation. I'm certainly "team Joel" here too. If Joel let them murder Ellie for the cure, the world could have been saved.. But not his world. He would have lost his daughter, again. So he chose to save the world for himself instead of for everyone else.


Cover her ears better? Yes, Cody. Shoot her in the head less aggressively? You funny, Cody.


I think Ellie is def suffering from PTSD It makes sense that it’d be at its most severe after she was nearly raped, and had to single handedly save Joel(plus all the death she’s experienced). Now she’s finally got to the endgame but she’s petrified that all the suffering was for nothing. Makes complete sense that she’s sort of shut down at this point

Ana Fox

That "okay" at the end. The way it clouds Ellie's trust. It's so simple yet so impactful. As aggressive as the attack on the hospital was, I'm with Cody. Imagine they killed her, and then their method didn't work. They had just killed the only immune person known to exist. On a different note, Ashley was the perfect mom to Ellie. Brilliant performance. The fact that she's Ellie in the game made me extra emotional. This was the perfect part for her. It connected everything.

Ana Fox

Absolutely. She needs it to mean something. As "aggressive" and nonchalant as she might come off, at the end of the day, she hesitated to kill the boy she shot to protect Joel. Also, the one person she had killed before was her best friend/love. She had to care less to survive, but she still cared deeply. She named Tess right after Riley, and she didn't know Tess for long. Tess mattered; the same with Sam. David said he saw himself in her - wrong! - but he was her most brutal kill. (Well deserved, but still) When Ellie had nothing, she - at least - had a purpose: being the cure. That's highlighted in the game, and I think it was beautifully portrayed in her unwillingness to give up, but also the solemness when almost at their destination.


My thoughts exactly Why does everyone need this cure so bad? All that you get from a cure is now the cordyceps will die out. Doesn’t change the fact that humanity has been slashed and is in complete anarchy. Also if you take a look at the world as a whole in the Last of Us, the only living things worse off are humans. The natural world is taking over the ruins and the earth is restoring itself. Hell even giraffes thrive in this environment now. So imo killing Ellie wasn’t even a morale decision from an objective standpoint


🤗from my understanding is Eli’s mom (the actress ) is the voice actor for Eli in the video game

Patrick L

And she just so happened to look like Ellie? What are the odds of that lol

Alex Lee

Spare a thought for the 2 poor nurses he left alive in a building full of dead people...