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Funerals are just as bad as weddings... The fractures in this family are crazy uncomfortable. Oh, and Alicent is going off 😂 More to come this week!





everyone has their own opinions about it but i think aemond did “steal” vhagar. before all the greens come for me i put steal in quotation marks!!! let me explain LMAO! it’s never discussed in the books or show how the bonding of dragons and free dragons are handled. but it’d be silly to think that there wasn’t a protocol put in place for WHO got to try to bond with a dragon and WHAT dragons they were allowed to try to bond with. especially since dragons are house targaryens AND the thrones power (at this time). accounting for the countless bastards house targaryen had (we see one of aegons in the child fitting pits) and accounting for the houses that the targaryen daughters/sons married into there’s a lot of potential dragon riding blood in westeros and who knows where else! if there wasn’t something in place than all those running around with targaryen blood could just try hopping on to a dragon at any time, which wouldn’t be ideal or smart for the main branch of house targaryen. that’s their power and it’d be stupid to think they’d just let anyone try claiming a dragon whenever. so i think in a sense that aemond did “steal” vhagar. there’s probably a protocol on who would’ve been given the opportunity to claim her. i’d assume her daughter would’ve been first in line to try. i mean we learn of unclaimed dragons in episode 10 that have just been sitting there the entire time so my question is why weren’t rhaena and aemond ever given the chance to meet and claim those dragons? probably because there’s some type of protocol to handling those things and in turn aemond skipped all the protocol the night of laenas funeral and claimed vhagar. i don’t think he “stole” her in the sense that rhaena would’ve even been able to claim vhagar but in the sense that he skipped the necessary steps to getting the chance to claim vhagar. i won’t spoil but i assume we might get more perspective on that in season 2 tho with all things considered.

Anna J

There is no protocol and there is no "line" to try, it never was. Either you have the balls to go up to the dragon and claim it or die trying or you don't try at all. That's all. It's just a kid that really wanted a dragon and saw one unbonded dragon and went for it and Vhagar accepted him. For all we know she might've killed Laena's kids if they tried to claim her, there are no rules on who the dragon wants to bond with or when it happens. These are huge flying beasts, you're portraying this here like dragons just sit patiently in front of castles like dogs waiting for a new owner.

COREY Ervin Scott-Johnson

Just remember, Vhagar is a Dragon of War. She isn't like the younger Dragons of the others, she has seen some things. Vhagar old ass got PTSD from Aegons Conquest. She doesn't play fight, she just fights.