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Tomorrow our little girl turns 6 years old 😭 oddly enough, our YouTube channel also turns 3 years old 😂 We’ve been a bit slow steady and indecisive this last month, but this weekend we’re having her birthday party and have already started a short term process of bulking up on reactions! We recorded 2 movies yesterday and planning to watch another tonight (always open to those suggestions 😉). Sunday and Monday I’m hoping to double down on Avatar an l HOTD episodes and then start editing and get those out for you all week. Would like to double down on HOTD releases to finish it inside of March if possible (and I know a lot of you would appreciate that too 😂). Hope you all have a lovely weekend, and with all of that we’ll hopefully be back to stream by the end of next week!



arturo lomeli

Happy birthday to your baby! Movie i suggest you see is bullet train if you haven't seen it And also At the pace you goin on avatar it'll be 8 months before you finish...💤
