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Howdy Folks.

A major update just went live, adding a brand new Townsfolk as well as some significant changes to the standalone versions.

  • 🚀 added Alsaahir and character release script "AL VS AL 2.3" by Ekin

  • 🚀 updated app build infrastructure and standalone release process (replaced Webpack/Electron with Vite/Tauri)

    • there are now 2 standalone apps for Mac, depending on whether you're using Apple Silicon (M1 or newer) or an Intel Mac

    • the standalone app should now update itself automatically whenever there is a new version available

    • this has the unfortunate side effect, that the standalone Linux version currently does not offer mic / cam support

  • 🚀 game balance update 029: new ability text for Harpy: "Each night, choose 2 players: tomorrow, the 1st player is mad that the 2nd is evil, or one or both might die."

  • 🚀 game balance update 028: new ability text for Plague Doctor: "If you die, the Storyteller gains a Minion ability."

  • 🚀 game balance update 027: new Jinx for Summoner / Preacher: "If the Preacher chose the Summoner on or before the 3rd night, the Summoner chooses which Demon, but the Storyteller chooses which player."

  • 🚀 game balance update 026: new ability text for the Balloonist: "Each night, you learn a player of a different character type than last night. [+0 or +1 Outsider]"

  • 🚀 game balance update 025: updated Jinxes for Organ Grinder / Minstrel & Preacher: "If the Minstrel makes everyone drunk/Preacher removes the Organ Grinder ability, the Organ Grinder keeps their ability but the Minstrel/Preacher keeps their eyes open when voting."

  • 🚀 game balance update 024: removed Jinx for Organ Grinder / Flowergirl (was "If the Organ Grinder is causing eyes-closed voting, the Flowergirl wakes tonight to choose a player: they learn if that player voted today. (instead of their normal ability)")

  • 🚀 game balance update 023a: updated Jinx for Legion / Preacher: "If the Preacher chooses Legion, Legion keeps their ability, but the Preacher might learn they are Legion."

  • 🚀 game balance update 023b: new Jinx for Legion / Minstrel: "If Legion died by execution today, Legion keeps their ability, but the Minstrel might learn they are Legion."

  • 🚀 game balance update 022: updated Jinx for Al-Hadikhia / Mastermind: "If the Al-Hadikhia dies by execution, and the Mastermind is alive, the Al-Hadikhia chooses 3 good players tonight: if all 3 choose to live, evil wins. Otherwise, good wins."

  • 🚀 game balance update 014 / 021: updated Jinx for Lil' Monsta / Magician: "Each night, the Magician chooses a Minion: if that Minion & Lil' Monsta are alive, that Minion babysits Lil’ Monsta."

  • 🚀 game balance update 019: new ability text for Lil' Monsta: "Each night, Minions choose who babysits Lil' Monsta & 'is the Demon'. Each night*, a player might die. [+1 Minion]"

  • 🚀 game balance update 018: Ogre has received a "Friend" reminder token to support the optional rule

  • 🚀 game balance update 017: new Jinx for Soldier / Kazali: "If the Kazali turns the Soldier into a Minion, the Soldier chooses which not-in-play Minion to become."

  • 🌟 improved login error message in case of wrong email or password

  • 🌟 adjusted JSON Schema for custom scripts / homebrew to allow reminders of up to 25 characters length (and limited number of reminders to 20)

  • 🌟 improved accessibility by labelling a few app elements better via ARIA attributes

  • 🐛 fixed mic / camera still sending to game session when in setup screen (thanks jrg1990)

  • 🐛 fixed private text message counter not updating correctly when player neighbours have changed (thanks silverrzz)

  • 🐛 fixed special bug reporter emote not being visible when animations are disabled (thanks @moutonf)

  • 🐛 fixed bottom of letters being cut off on the character tab (thanks leotheleopardnz)


Seth M

I believe they're only win/mac/linux desktop apps. You can find them on the github page: https://github.com/ThePandemoniumInstitute/botc-release

Garrett Kearns

Can someone explain the Lil' Monsta / Magician jinx? I've read it like 50 times and I still don't understand it.


As far as I read it it works the following way: - Each night, the magician chooses a minion that is on the script. If that minion is in play and alive, and if Lil' Monsta is alive (guess a Mastermind would be one case how this could not be the case with the game still going), then that minion holds Lil' Monsta. This gives the magician an actual use for the good team, as his ability is a hindrance in a Lil' Monsta game (the minions learn who the magician is and they know each other). If the good team figures out which minions are in play and which player is a particular minion, then the magician player can force that minion to hold Lil' Monsta.