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This latest patch adds in a new Outsider, the Ogre, as well as a few quality of life improvements.

  • 🚀 added Ogre and character release script "Get Out of my Swamp" by Aero & Jams

  • 🚀 game balance update 011: new Jinx for Cannibal / Juggler: "If the Juggler guesses on their first day and dies by execution, tonight the living Cannibal learns how many guesses the Juggler got correct."

  • 🚀 game balance update 012: updated Jinx for Vizier / Magician: "If the Vizier and Magician are both in play, the Demon does not learn the Minions."

  • 🌟 clicking on "Mark" will now automatically end the vote

  • 🌟 moderators can now (temporarily) ban users from the app

  • 🌟 improved app performance by optimizing a few animations

  • 🌟 added hint to Town Square view for how to return to Grimoire view

  • 🐛 fixed pronouns being cut off in some cases (thanks malashaan)

  • 🐛 fixed private chat tab not auto-scrolling with new incoming messages (thanks figblitgafle)

  • 🐛 fixed text chat player names not always showing up in the appropriate color (thanks grunklesqueaky)

  • 🐛 fixed Minstrel reminder token affecting Travellers and themselves (thanks leotheleopardnz)

  • 🐛 fixed "Toggle Whisper" menu entry not working (thanks ropethatbinds)

  • 🐛 fixed King other nights reminder text (thanks errornousername)


Generic Name

Any chance we can get more unique pride flags we can select using the Enhanced Abilities, since Pride Month is coming up? I'm particularly thinking of aromantic and asexual flags, but I'm sure the trans flag, nonbinary, etc would be appreciated, in addition to the current options of "rainbow," "inclusion," "townsfolk," and "minion"