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The whole rolling stones things is very clever. Basically, there were three options for how everything could have gone down, and the stone would have been right any way: 1. Bucciarati touches the stone and dies. This would work out for everyone in that all of the other Passione members would just continue to do the same work they always do. Nothing bad would happen to them. (aside from Trish, who would have been killed when she was delivered to Diavolo.) 2. Bucciarati doesn't touch the rock, and Mista doesn't break the rock. If this happened, Fugo would have gone to meet Giorno as planned (because his car wouldn't be broken) and likely killed him. Giorno wouldn't been in the organization and the crew would have still gotten the assignment to deliver Trish. Once they got to the boss, Bucciarati would have died trying to save Trish (the way the rock said) and not come back to life because Giorno wouldn't be there. As a result, the rest of the crew wouldn't have betrayed the boss and no one else would die. 3. What actually happened in Part 5, which is what the rock prophesized after it was destroyed


Part 5 is definitely a ride man. But now it's time for best girl. 🪨 🌊