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Archives: Gumlord https://funamusea.gumroad.com/




It’s easy to say “don’t worry about it,” but sometimes it’s the only thing we can do. Stress can cause a lot of other health issues, but bad health causes more stress… Speaking from my own experience - sometimes we have to let ourselves rest. Otherwise things often keep getting worse, and in the end you have to rest even longer. Slowing down can be difficult - especially when we have responsibilities, deadlines, and ambitions - but it’s necessary sometimes. Please take care of yourself while your body heals! Sick organs are terrible, but we don’t have a way of easily replacing them yet… A 2.5 game sounds like it could be a lot of fun! And maybe there are engines other than Unity that make them? But an RPGMaker using Unity sounds very cool! I wonder what options will it have! And learning it should be at least a little similar to the regular RPGMaker. Life can suck sometimes. And when that happens we have to focus on things and people we love, and try our best to ignore all the rest. There is a lot of people who care about you and things you enjoy creating, even if sometimes looks like there are more haters out there! They can be loud, but it’s just noise! Tune them out with things that make you happy! And Syakesan looks super cool and super scary here!


I very much enjoy the background and your line art is clean and impressive as always ^u^!! Im very sorry about your stomach i understand i struggle with gastritis too. Im here with you. D: Ive been wanting to check out the new RPG Maker too, i didnt know it was in collaboration with unity :O that is very cool! Programming seems hell to me too but i am trying lol. Awesome Artwork!!!! :D