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Archives: Gumlord https://funamusea.gumroad.com/



something that I clarify, I understand the situation, and although I regret that it is suspended, I waited patiently for it, the only thing I wish is that it does not stop being as it is (that is, it is modified by the world situation), that it be the same, and that it not be 5 years late, or more, for this, I would be sad, that close to being finished, it ends up spending many years so that it can come out. I only hope that everything goes well and good luck with the following projects on the list, I hope they turn out fabulous and as good as possible and you love your games, I wish you good luck and well, I will continue here in the hopeful return to my general hashasky, my formal greetings and thank you very much for reading. ♥️ I clarify, I do not want to pressure her or make her do badly because of her decision, she is respectable and I respect her, only, what really happens is that I would like the game to go out without a problem as if Russia was not happening, but, it is not possible I can't deny reality, I wish everything stayed the same, but I also don't want to put pressure on rusted as the creator of funsmusea, frankly, I have an "opinion" that I already said, that of modifying the appearance of characters and settings to eliminate resemblance and to delay it. The appearance thing, I wish it didn't happen, I think it would be better if the game is as it is, don't censor it for the situation. I don't like the delay thing, but it doesn't affect the game itself and although I don't like it either, I see it as very understandable, and take as long as necessary. I'm not saying that you don't put in the game the phrase "any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental" or similar phrases, simply, you prefer that the game stays as it is. Wouldn't it be nice, if after so many years, due to the current situation, the game should be modified due to this situation... after all, I think it would happen with time. but! And now seriously, I will understand and I will understand any decision that you make finalizes and although it hurts me, in my heart, if you see it necessary to modify it and delay it 10 years. I will understand. I offer my sincerest thanks for reading. and I wish you a wonderful day. y Remember, don't feel pressured by the situation. just do what you think is right. and if you don't know, if you want, do a survey on twitter. but now yes. be as you are and good luck funamusea. long live mogeko castle! My best wishes for your future projects. and I shut up once and for all. bye thank you! 😁 bye ♥️


Hey, Funa! :3 Just in case that I understand things right, you want to bring the game Carnival Rhythm on Steam?! If this would come true, I would be soo happy! I'm hyped to play it <3 And is there a chance, that your other games (The Gray Garden and Wadanohara) comes in time to Steam too? >×< I really want to support your great work and cute artstyles!! Please keep up with your good work and don't let your head down, because of the things that happened in real life. These situations has nothing to do with your games and work! :c But I understand your worries x-x I think your community supports you no matter what!! ^×^