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hi, i'm here to talk to you about dwarves again. i drew this last night during an internet outage because i wanted to visualize how a male identified dwarf would present himself inside and outside a fort (which is essentially a city-state, typically located within mountains and hills). so i'm using riffin to illustrate it, because he's a good example of an aristocrat And a masc dwarf with a cunt 

the look on the left would be considered very casual aristocrat wear and has no gender connotations. hanging out at the villa with a few friends type of look. he has his hair long and in a chunky braid, and it would be oiled to a nice shine. his clothes are revealing to demonstrate that he's recently waxed, and he wears a decent amount of jewelry (earrings, a necklace, and rings on your fingers are A Minimum at his level of society) and a medallion belt, which shows off how well-connected he is. each medallion bears the seal of another fort, either acquired by going there, or by having friends there (though it's not uncommon for dwarves to just order the things without having any actual connections. very tacky if you can't describe each and every medallion's provenance). he would be considered Very Attractive in this look, as it makes it plainly clear that he has a lot of money, a lot of connections, and a lot of free time.

the look on the right, however! this would be a riffin who's gone Out Into The World and decided to stay there. he's following the lead of humans regarding what looks good and fashionable, and so has cut his hair shorter, and let his body hair grow back. he's interested in being attractive to humans and the like, and there is an expectation on their end that dwarves are hairy and masculine, so he's leaned into it. he still shaves his beard because he likes the look, but he leaves the burns. he's also become heavily freckled due to more exposure to the sun. he wears less jewelry because that's a good way to Not get mugged, but he still wears the medallion bearing the seal from home.




This is fascinating worldbuilding hell yea


no lie, this is some of the most interesting fantasy gender exploration i have seen and i am in love with it. came for the fuck elf pussy, stayed for the dwarf gender analysis (and fuck elf pussy)