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It's time to make the mod development process more transparent and predictable.

Let's move from a static roadmap webpage to more transparent public Trello boards.  

Roadmap: https://trello.com/b/sZmPQzi8/mf-roadmap
Bugs: https://trello.com/b/BSRy70cn/mf-bugs \

The Roadmap board contains all the planned/implemented features of the mod. It may help get an overall understanding of what's going on in development. Columns:
1. Planned - planned features that I will implement for sure.
2. Main Focus - features I am working on right now.
3. Implementation - partly implemented features that I will improve in the future but are not in focus right now.
4. Support - fully implemented features. I don't have any plans to change them. However, I still support and fix bugs related to them.
5. Ideas - some thoughts on possible future features. 

Every ticket in this board contains a list of related smaller tasks from the development board.  

The Bugs board is much simpler. It contains all reported bugs in corresponding statuses.  

Bonus: development board https://trello.com/b/98vcnsqd/mf-development  

It contains small tasks with real-time progress. May be messy and can't really help understand the overall picture. I recommend using the Roadmap board.  

I will try to keep the boards up to date, but it's not guaranteed 😅


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