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What's new:

  • 1.18.2 support
  • Ability to choose between Creative fortress and Survival fortress when world in created
  • Time control: pause or speed up the time in game
  • In creative fortress mod all professions are unlocked by default and you have all instruments
  • In survival fortress mod you have to meet requirements to unlock professions
  • Day and time displayed in GUI
  • You can hide fortress HUD completely with F1
  • Beds in blueprint edit mode won't blow up anymore
  • You can't remove campfire from the village anymore
  • Pawns won't go into campfire anymore
  • Add max height indicator to the blueprints world
  • Can't drop items in blueprint edit mod anymore
  • Fix camfire rendering issues
  • Fix selection rendering issues, when adding tall walls or big areas of blocks
  • Fix a  bug when instead of blueprint part of chunk displayed while rotating blueprint
  • Fix blueprint renderer colors and ligting
  • Fix miner ability to dig holes 
  • Fix profession counter on colonist death

Mod is attached to this post.

With the Fabric loader, mod installation is straightforward, but you still need to follow some simple steps. Installation instructions: https://minecraftfortress.org/fabric-installation

How to play the mod: https://minecraftfortress.org/instruction


  • Minecraft 1.17.1
    Fabric Loader 0.13.3
    Fabric API 0.46.1+1.17
  • Minecraft 1.18.2
    Fabric Loader 0.13.3
    Fabric API 0.51.0+1.18.2
