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We are back at it after visiting my Mom's which was pretty easy going and relaxing.

I started again mid this week and mainly just worked on some renders with some interesting setups like the one above and getting up to around 800 renders give or take.

And now I also want to wish you guys all a Happy New Year. I hope you guys can spend time with family and/or friends tonight. Part of me doesn't want to go out, but at the same time I know I will end up having fun and it is just good to celebrate it with people you care for. So, have fun and be responsible enough to get yourself home safely lol. Here is to the next year where I hope good things will happen for us all!

Now I will change up my final message just this once :P

Happy New Year all, and stay awesome!





nom nom nom


any plan to update your links on your old game? mega dont work on my side any chance to upload also to mediafire??