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Okay, again I am going to keep this one quick and let you guys enjoy the weekend, and the Super Bowl if that is something you care about. 

So, everything is on track. I will have the writing done this week. Also working on the last scene which should have all renders done by Wednesday. Then just some more cool animations after that. MC has a bike right now. I need to show that off :P

Once it goes to proof and testing I will do the poll for the comic as well. We are almost there!

As always guys, stay awesome!





Speaking of animations, I like the short non-looping animations that you use for artistic or storytelling purposes sometimes. I never thought about it much until over last few weeks when the idea of using significantly more non-looping non-lewd animations was mentioned independently by a few other AVN devs regarding plans for their upcoming 'next gen' Renpy games. I don't know if it's a new trend or just coincidence but I like it. Edit: I guess I don't really mean non-looping because things like blinking eyes and lights etc. fit in there too.


Venus want to play with mommy too ? :joy: