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So i went to New York for vacation. This was one I had scheduled a long while back. I was suppose to be back home earlier this week, but my pcr test for travel came up positive for covid. 

Now, health wise I feel fine. I had minor symptoms which are gone now and just finishing up my quarantine. 

Canada and the states have different rules and it is all confusing, but it is looking like Canada will not let me back for 14 days after the test was taken and turned up positive. 

The situation is changing so I'll see.

So basically I went to NYC. Got covid. Recovered and quarantined. Now waiting for Canada to let me back in.

The entire situation is beyond frustrating. All I can say is the city itself has been helpful even though I don't live there. And thankfully I didn't get a bad case of it.

Not sure what else to say. I was dreading posting this, but it just is what it is...




Feel better boss 😌 get home safe and soon


No news since your last message. I hope you recover well. If nothing works properly, ask Gloria and her strange power to expand your... immunity ;) Seriously, I really hope you're going better now