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Okay, so I stuck with the same game plan as the week before and I think that has worked out well for me.  Also started into renders again late this week.

So a few more renders were added bringing it over 900 now, I only have a handful of animations left and those will be very large that I will save till the final phase when things go into testing.

Then as for testing I hope that starts in a couple weeks. So yes, things are getting close :P

This one will be a more straight forward run with many small variations throughout. 

Also to free up things quickly this month so ease that final stress mode I think I will do the monthly customs next week so expect a poll on Monday or Tuesday for that.

As always guys, stay awesome!





Thanks for the update, Philly 👍


I just finished the most current episode yesterday, i put it off for a while because I didn't want it to end. Excited to see this one is in the final stretch if completion.


I'm replaying now for the umpteenth time. The story keeps on giving. I'm looking forward to the new episode.


I'm with @Marcus. This never gets old! Keep up the great work and thanks for keeping us posted. On a side note; while chestier than I normally like, Shanlon is just unforgiving hot! Thanks for giving her a role.


Looking forward to the new episode! Love this game. Doc and I came back from the honeymoon. She'll be ready for this new episode now. lol


So real light :) I can`t be tired to write this for your light works :)