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Things are now taking shape and looking good. My focus is starting to pivot to the code side and pushing things into the game proper but still render work and writing to go.

Update is getting to that large point again with 810 renders in, and I suspect another 200 or so to go. Also added a few more animations with one currently cooking bringing that up 45 animations.

Next week we will also do the poll for this months custom set, so expect that mid week.

Also the dev post needs more ass :P

So here ya go, just a fun render while testing stuff.

As always guys, stay awesome!





oh oh, Red Moon is back !


nooo... you cant post an ass and not put a 4k to download :-( i'm sad..


he should suppose to be hard to kill :-D i was sure he wasnt gone

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update Philly 🖤


More posterior is always welcome, thanks for the update Philly!


That ass looks heavenly ❤️ Thanks Philly