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Okay, this was a busy week. First, a good deal of rendering done which brings the count up to 712 renders. One large animation bringing that up to 44. This next week will be animation heavy.

Also, yesterday I installed some long awaiting hardware. Wow, it is hard to get stuff these days as you guys know, but it is done. I stress tested the system all day yesterday to test the new hardware which includes a brand new video card and power supply. I also upgraded some of my software which is always a scary prospect. Thankfully everything worked out, in fact some odd bugs I had have are now resolved. One of those bug fixes allows me to produce effects like in the shot below more frequently.

Note I haven't finished color grading that shot yet, it is right off the press today. Past that, enjoy your weekend. I for one and probably going to have a beer soon.

As always guys, stay awesome!





Sonja i knew it


She's having our back ;)


Beer earned!


Nice :D

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update Philly 🖤


Just curiously, what sort of rig do you run nowadays Philly? P.s. that is an amazing render!!

Michael LuPayne

actually i think thats Abby cute tush :)

Thomas J

Hi just joined. Where can I download the game on here and how many chapters are there? Is it worth getting on here or buying from steam? Will steam get updates like the patreon version or can you only get additional chapters on here? So which is the best version and how do I get the links to download the game on here? Thanks. Tom


Hey mate, depends on your patreon tier. If you go to Philly's main patreon page by clicking on his name you should see a bunch of button tags. One says 'release', that should take you to the posts where you can find the releases. You do need to be at a specific tier ?around 15 bucks) to access full game, if not you can just get the patches. If under that, maybe get the steam version? The version here is updated with new chapters sooner than what steam is, but both platforms, I imagine, will be updated to the same version. Personally, I'd pledge enough to get the version on here so you get more regular updates but obviously it depends on your financial situation. If you have the money, that's the way to go. Hope I answered your questions clearly enough.

Daniel Geeson

Additionally, there are 8 chapters. 1-7 is referred to as Book One. Chapter 8 is released, files can be added to both Patreon and Steam versions - instruction are available for how to copy. Currently (unless it's been updated recently) the Guide covers 1-7.


Hi, I'm a little confused. I was wondering why chapter 7 ahs not been released to the $5 tier unless I'm missing something. Seems like with chapter 8 out it should flow down the tiers. Thanks.