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Holy crap what a week! So, I pushed myself this entire week and I have hit a point where I am feeling good at the progress. Only a couple scenes left to write up and then off to proof! So, that should go there in just a few days. 

While that is going on, I will finish up the last renders and animations then send it off for beta testing next weekend!

Also I totally forgot about the customs last week! I think though, I will go with a Halloween theme and will probably save it till after release at this point which will land it around that time.

We are almost there!

As always guys, stay awesome!





Nice one Philly


Sounds like great progress. Looking forward to the update with great anticipation.


Fuck me, how in the *hell* is she able to hold that thing up?

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update Philly 🖤


I was wondering the same thing. Maybe there's some fancy stabilization gadgetry in the suppressor (?), hence the five lights on the side. When #6 illuminates, POW, er, (psst).


just a question.. why hairs are not well rendered ? pic it's amazing but.. hairs -.-'

Nyx Galbraith

thank you for the update.


The best story to date in these type of games. Congrats and excited to see the progress!


Just FYI, never support a weapon by the magazine. (High chance of messing up the reloading of the next round)

Michael Hawk

Maybe we're seeing her in the middle of loading the magazine into the magazine well?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-08 12:11:35 Still hoping to hook up with Sonja at some point. She's kind of a head case, the kind of woman I seem to always attract, and she has a lousy attitude. But, I'm attracted to her all the same <3 Thanks for making the divorce make total sense. Some couples bond closer through facing tragedy together while most others are driven apart by having a constant reminder of the tragedy always there in arms reach. So, I get why they divorced. However, I still think they need to hook up again, even if just once for old times sake or whatever reason. Thanks for all the hard work and dedication. Looking forward to seeing more very soon :) Adventure on
2020-10-20 05:14:04 Still hoping to hook up with Sonja at some point. She's kind of a head case, the kind of woman I seem to always attract, and she has a lousy attitude. But, I'm attracted to her all the same <3 Thanks for making the divorce make total sense. Some couples bond closer through facing tragedy together while most others are driven apart by having a constant reminder of the tragedy always there in arms reach. So, I get why they divorced. However, I still think they need to hook up again, even if just once for old times sake or whatever reason. Thanks for all the hard work and dedication. Looking forward to seeing more very soon :) Adventure on

Still hoping to hook up with Sonja at some point. She's kind of a head case, the kind of woman I seem to always attract, and she has a lousy attitude. But, I'm attracted to her all the same <3 Thanks for making the divorce make total sense. Some couples bond closer through facing tragedy together while most others are driven apart by having a constant reminder of the tragedy always there in arms reach. So, I get why they divorced. However, I still think they need to hook up again, even if just once for old times sake or whatever reason. Thanks for all the hard work and dedication. Looking forward to seeing more very soon :) Adventure on