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It is starting to hit that point where things are coming together! Again a good week, I went back and actually re-rendered one small scene since I was not happy with it but past that the rest is looking good.

So with the removal of the redone scene there are currently 881 renders, then along with that 52 animations with one currently running and another three created and just waiting for a window to be rendered out. Also wrote out three full scenes this week with more on the way.

Don't expect a giant number difference next week. I have begun creating the most complex scene yet in the game so each render is far more work than on average. Also I want to add a good deal of animations and such which will eat up a lot of render time freeing me to work on the build proper.

Oh, and the battery on my laptop that I use for post work decided it wanted to swell up! So, that was fun :P Managed to remove it and get a new one this week, so was just a nice scare to keep me on my feet lol.

As always, stay awesome!





Way to go Philly. Keep up the good work.


Swelling lithium batteries are no joke. Glad it didn't burn your place down! Thank you for keeping supporters in the know.


Maybe your battery was offended by the content. ;) (Or became too excited)


Thanks for all the hard work. This game looks like it's going to be a work of art


Have the same problem on my phone battery, screen started peeling off in the middle as it started bulging. Still waiting on my replacement tho :c


Yeah, my track pad had stopped working and I just thought my laptop sucked. No idea it was the battery pushing the case up. I think I got lucky on the speed of delivery of the battery.

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update Philly 🖤