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So Steam release is fast approaching, a lot of work was done on that side this week. This includes adding items for the guide as well as a ton of balance changes which makes the game play out much more smoothly and naturally. Still doing testing there but it will be available here soon.

I did not do much on the animation front this week since we had a pretty crazy heat wave and sleeping next to my render machine while it renders overnight is not a happy time when it is this hot lol. Still, managed to get a bunch done game wise, even with all the administrative stuff that had to be done. Animation count is the same but for renders we are now at 412. The image posted above is what I am currently working on, which has new environment that is looking pretty nice.

Besides the custom renders this month I also am planning to do another comic, so expect a poll for that mid month.

As always guys, stay awesome!





Best gurl in CoBD would make a great combo with chandra - Falidam

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update Philly 🖤


Time to invite Sonja for some action :P