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Again a busy week, though I did have a ton of personal stuff I also had to take care of. Don't worry, just the usual things you have to do in life. 

Still, managed to get a good amount done. Sitting at 332 renders, along with 28 animations with 9 more on on deck waiting to be rendered out. Another thing I have been doing is making a full blown walkthrough. Doing it has let me see some balance issues I never saw before. It is going to take a bit to complete because I want it to be really nice looking, so I have been doing it all in InDesign which I have never used before, so that has been interesting.

I will most likely be adding that on steam and set it up so that to the $5 tier and up have access. Hopefully I can have that done by end of month.

We also have the custom poll going. Once that is done I will do those up so expect them either Monday or Tuesday.

As always guys, stay awesome!




Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update Philly 🖤


hate to say it and as excellent as you are, you have taken far too much of my money for far too little reward. i wish you nothing but success and health and happiness.


This is a fucking masterpiece!!! This truly is a work of art. Whatever the equivalent of the academy awards are for adult games, this wins. Character development, plotline, visual styling,...I am IN TO IT. And don't think I didn't get all the movie homages, even the 'obscure' ones. Keep going and keep taking my money!!