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To my friends south of the border, happy July 4th!

Yeah, for this year, Shanlon again lol. I can think of nobody in game that fits the stereotype more than her. Even if misplaced, it is funny!

Have fun guys, and enjoy your day!

Oh I also added this just for fun as well :P





Well, thanks, Philly. I guess our two countries still have our noses out of joint with each other but -- that's how families are sometimes, n'est ce pas?


Quite the political statement.


I could say a lot about the negatives of my country and our standing in the world. I have even laughed at jokes at the expense of the US, but your congratulatory greeting for what will already be a stressed celebration is disappointing.


Trust me, I try to keep as far from politics as possible lol. I just love playing with stereotypes in good fun.


Well that's disappointing. I didn't see snarky comments to you on Canada Day, only heartfelt congratulations. This is in really poor taste. But don't worry, we wont stoop to your level and insult your country on its celebratory day. And you want us to keep giving you money so you can keep making your game? Guess it's time to drop my backing level to $1 to show my appreciation


Knowing Philly, I can honestly say this wasn't a design based on any comment on America. It was time to do a July 4th render and Shanlon hadn't had a turn in the spotlight in a while. As for the finger, well, if you've dealt with Shanlon in the game, you know that's at the least what she would do to anyone peeping in on her. It's always all in fun and there's nothing in the render that's meant to dis America unless you see it there on your own. Happy 4th everybody and stay safe!


Eh? I just saw pixel tiddies, what's all this other stuff?


The only point I was trying to make was that -- no matter what -- the US and Canada are family. The thank you was meant. Ending it in French was something a Canadian would get... Then I noticed the finger... Sad.


I don't know french lol. I grew up in Australia and the States for much of my childhood so missed the french classes.


I am absolutely dumbfounded by the comments here. As someone who will never be mistaken for being "anti American", I think Philly's work was funny and just tongue in cheek. He did the same theme LAST year with Shanlon as well. Haha. We all can have a little fun with it...calm down. :) Happy 4th everyone!




I love it. Now turn off the news and enjoy the weekend.


Yeah, well, I started this shitstorm by trying to be funny. I forgot most of you young 'uns have no idea what that means.


Thanks Philly, I have to get my Shanlon fix somehow. Happy 4th of July to all my American Brothers and Sisters ❤️


True, everyone sees what they want to see to a certain respect. I suppose one could say this is a depiction of America saying "Fuck You" to the world, but that would be even worse. It's a shame the image of the Ugly American has been resurrected so clearly. I much prefer the non-flag and finger picture.


Beautiful Shanlon!


Definitely fits the Fox News profile. I really hope there's more Shanlon to come.

Gattsu (edited)

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