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No idea how long it will last, hell, I very well may be under it by the time i finish writing this, but no matter, the fact we got this far is crazy.  A huge thanks to everyone who has believed in me and made this possible, it is hard to describe my appreciation for your guys support this whole time.

It does feel a strange writing this during this messed up time we are in, but hopefully we all see through to the other side soon. 

Again guys, thank you so much!





Best dev!


You are the shit Philly 🤘


You deserve it sir!


I'm really enjoying CoBD. You deserve it mate.


This is the result of your non-dairy release schedule. Each episode is a convincing argument that all that Patron money is going right back into the game in the form of computing power, 3D assets and music. On to the next milestone!


You sure deserve this and plenty fkn more if you ask me ! Your VN are on a Tier itself above everyone else. Let’s hope we can pull through these times and enjoy life to the fullest again. To many more milestones Philly *cheers*


I haven’t played all of chap6 yet but please tell me we have Katies content


A massive amount of money, but being one of the few (if not the only one) that is fully deserved of this success and everything else you get on here and in life. Philly, you're awesome and I cannot even fathom on how much time and dedication you've ploughed into this project, DA and, hopefully, a third one. I will be along for the ride, however long it takes, and me being a selfish prick, I wish it will be a long time before this ride ends. I know you'll suffer quite a bit because of that but see it as a testament to how good you are and for utilizing your talents to the fullest. Here's to another 10k, at least, love you Philly. /The Swede RJK.


congrats you're amazing

Jill Valentine

Congrats Philly! Here's to another 10k 🍻 Much Love ❤❤❤❤❤


Well deserved! :)


Not surprised! Well done Philly :)


Vous le méritez !

Naughty James

Congrats Philly and it was a well earn grind to work to, keep up the good work and I keep showing off your fine game story that you are creating for us


I support few artists and if you're on of them, it'd because your work is outstanding. I truly believe, given the resources, you'd be able to deliever an excellent AAA game. Congrats, man!


Well deserved, mate, well deserved.

Random Lol

Well done! Keep up the amazing work.


Congratulations. The quality of your hard word really deserves it.


Well earned Mr PHilly Daddy! :love:


Congrats! You deserve every bit of it. Your work is absolutely stunning!!