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Okay so this last week I did take it a bit easier than I had been going, so the numbers aren't as crazy as per usual. I still don't think I'm 100% but I'm getting close and way better than this time last week. Regardless though, the work that was done is really great, that also includes a new character as posted above. Not just a one off thing. Well I should say if up to you not a one off thing :P

Progress I'll keep quick. 2 new scenes are written with a couple more to go. I did notice there are a few spots where more needs to be fleshed out but nothing crazy. As for renders it is now at 786 which includes this new character and a few new environments. There are also 45 animations and I also re rendered one of the others that had a small glitch in it that was driving me insane.

Now I gotta make myself some good food, or Serana will get angry with me :)

As always stay awesome guys!





Great news Philly and do what Serana says. Ahahah.

Naughty James

Keep up the good work there Philly and wow I like her looks

Robert Arctor

I'll reserve judgement until we actually get to know her - but she's gorgeous, for sure :) Looking forward to making her acquaintance!

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update Philly ❤


Thank you for the update Philly!