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Hey guys, I was hoping to release this month but at this point I can tell that won't happen. I have been going at it hard, probably too hard in the last month and my body is starting to get angry with me. So, I am going back to my normal flow that I normally do so I don't kill myself on it.

As for this week I did run into some issues outside of the game, that being real life work which hit pretty hard. At least everything for that is taken care of, but it certainly affected things. So, currently there are 735 renders complete. 728 are done and run through post. I expect maybe 100 more. Animations there are 43 complete, 2 I want to do some adjustments on then another 6 or 7 that I want to create.

I wish i could have gotten it done in a 2 month time frame and I apologize that won't happen. It will be out next month for sure. I also realize there are many new folks here in the last month and I just want to make sure you are aware that my updates do typically take 2 or 3 months but it's to ensure my sanity and quality. Not to mention I think they end up being quite large each time. I can at least say this one is worth it :)

As always stay awesome!





Based on the render count and animations, this seems like it's going to be a whopper of an update, so I think we can give you a little space. On a purely selfish note, please...take more time...take tons of time!


I understand the time it takes to pose, render, and everything in between. While it got to the point where my hands cannot do it, I can say for a fact that neglecting self-care to squeeze out more renders is never worth it in the end :) So, take your time..:)


No worries, take care of yourself! 🙂 Besides, I haven't got around to playing the last update yet... so it'll be a super-duper update for me when it comes! 😁


Personal health comes first Philly. Take the time you need for yourself.


Not to worry, Philly. You are a great developer, but this is a marathon, not a sprint, so pace yourself! ☺️😎


Love the work on both games and that opening theme for Depraved awakening still hits home. Carli is the best! I hope to see more work with Victoria and Shanlon in the future updates of Broken Dreamers. Take care and I think to also make it easier on yourself you should put the update schedule (2-3months) as a part of your pinned update. Would also be easier for new people as well

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update Philly 💗


Take your time and care of yourself. When it's done, it's done. :)


I'm new and the quality is the reason I joined up. I am fine with waiting if the update is worth it and it probably will be.


Thanks for the update Philly! Obviously health and rest is the most important. We know any update is worth the wait. And I am sure we all can't wait!!

Laird Ruari

Don't kill yourself Philly. Turning out a high quality update takes time and we can wait. Cheers


Will send you Leelee to help you with your health Philly ;)


Don’t stress yourself too much. If you do, I will come to your house and sing you a lullaby to put you to sleep.

Michael LuPayne

take your time, do it right the first time, no need to rush we'll still be here :)