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30 updates! Jesus H. Christ!

And what the hell is going on, why is Venus there!

Okay, enough of that, here's what's up. Still progressing at a good pace, no hangups or anything of that sort. Sitting at 454 renders all done and processed through post, loads more to go. Along with that, there are now 25 animations. Those have taken a bit of a back seat lately but more will be coming in time.

Script wise I am trying to keep up, so far things are in line, and over the next day ill get a good chunk more done as I create the custom renders that were voted on. This one will also feature a special guest appearance from Wolf3DX's model, Marie. He likes to do renders for people on the side, so be sure to check him out, he is also quite active on discord. Expect those to drop sometime tomorrow.

As for next month I will be opening the voting polls to $10 and up. It will be a tiered approach so 20 will be able to vote twice, 30 three times and so on. This way more people can get involved.

As always stay awesome guys!





Hard worker Philly, like always!


Cannot WAIT for Marie!!


Thx, sometimes i work myself up about these updates. In my head I think to myself. Will they get mad that I only had these many more renders or animations. I know its just me, thinking that. Always rest assured I barely ever stop lol.




Philly, no one will ever be upset at something like that. Keep the dev updates coming! It's always nice to hear from you!




I love you Venus

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update Philly 💗


Totally impressed with LE and this latest triumph. Are there any more from Philly that I can catch up with ?