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Okay, so this is the first of my dev updates that I will post after a week of progress. Probably not the best week to start due to the holidays, because progress obviously won't be as fast. But, here goes nothing.

We now have 132 renders, the scene I am doing now is pretty big but i expect to be done tonight or tomorrow morning. Along with that I have setup a lot more animations and managed to get a few rendered out in the couple days I was able to work this week. So, currently 10 animations are rendered and complete. Then I have 5 more that are setup but just need to slot the time in for them to render, so those will go one a night over the next week.

I also plan to get heavy into writing for the next few days before real life work interferes, that way I can knock out a lot of the heavy lifting while still on break.

For next month I will post the image catalog which has many renders that never made it to game. If you remember, there were a couple scenes I completely revamped, so you can see what I threw on the cutting room floor. I am currently undecided on the custom renders for next month but expect that mid next month. I will also most likely be doing a poll for an animation. As for those, I will mention those tend to be hard for me since I throw in so much stuff theres not be much left for a poll :P

For one week that seemed pretty good :)

Okay guys, make sure you enjoy new years, and as always stay awesome!





Love that ass philly philly 🤣


Ah the perfect ass ! :P


Happy New Year, Philly.