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And now chapter 5! Some big things go down this time. Get your saves handy you may need em!

Again expect a good deal of action in this episode of both kinds :)

I have also added a feature i think some people will appreciate. You can now change the dialogue font color to something to help with the sharp contrast. To change it go to your preferences and it will be there.

The following downloads contain everything from chapter 1 to 5 so it is all you need.

PC Download (Mirror)

Mac Download 


Change Log

  • Added a small fix so the proper chandra scene plays depending on past choices specific to the subway.


  • Over 600 new images
  • 29 new animations
  • 4 New licensed music tracks
  • Dialogue color switcher in the preferences





Laird Ruari

Awesome stuff! Brokeback, bloody epic! LOL! The other thing that keeps getting me is that in the '80's I lived in Lakewood, CA.

Michael LuPayne

Can we get that alternate Mirror again for the download please :)


Is there a walk through?


Nothing official currently from me. Though things are still relatively easy to acquire. If u have issues getting something pop me a message here or you can also ask on discord.


I just became a support and your game is impressive Philly. Love the storyline so far. Has a Bladerunner feel to it. Can't wait for more updates.

Ian Caudillo

have perquisites for scene 12 but can't get it.


There is a bit to that one. First you have to be totally under her spell. So if she motions for you to look somewhere you do. You also have to have gotten angry a few times. Also make sure you knock.


Hey new to Patreon and just wanted to say I loved the steam game you have out there and wanted to check out your new one. Is there a way to get my product without spending more money to download it? Mega says I reached my limit at ~1.8 GB and the mirror has failed to complete twice now. Thanks!


Truly great work. I can't wait for more!


Awesome! Not just super sexy. This is a fascinating story too! I've always been into sci fi and fantasy. So, this was a natural pick to try. But, after playing chapters 1-4 for free, I had to see more. When I saw I could get chapters 1-6 with a $5 Patreon... Well, you're my first ever Patreon. :) I generally prefer to buy my games outright. I never play MMO's. But, this is an exceptional story. I had to see more!


make sure you grabbed this copy as well. https://www.patreon.com/posts/city-of-broken-6-35123389 just so u have the latest chapter since this is an older post. Also be sure to join up on discord. It is pretty relaxed and helpful.